Saturday, June 13, 2009

Makayla Says:

Every time you hand Makayla something, or she hands you something she says
"There you go"

She says "yes" to almost anything you ask her, whether or not she wants it.
ME: Makayla do you want to go play outside?
MAK: (nodding) Yes!
I open the door to go outside and she starts screaming and falls down in a fit
(Yes I know, dramatic! Wonder who she gets that from?)

I know it's just a matter of time till she starts saying "No" to everything. Yesterday she picked up the new sweater I am crocheting and started running across the room, unraveling all my hard work! I said "no, no, no, no, no!"
She stopped and said "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"
I said "no, no, no!"
She looked at me, cocked her head to the side and said "no?"
I said "No playing with Mommy's yarn!"
She said "no, no, no, no, no!" and threw it down pointing at it like it had done something wrong. "No, no, no, no!"

Today she took a highlighter and colored all of her fingers/hands and her toes/feet.
Hehehehe, guess I paint her nails too much :-)

She loves carrying around an old plastic bucket that used to have ice cream in it (it's been cleaned!) and she will pick up random things to put in it and carry it around. On our way to go visit a friend yesterday she kept picking up grass and rocks and leaves to put in the bucket. It ended up too full for her so she held it up for me to carry and said "There you go!"
I didn't take the hint so she held it up again and said louder "There you go!"
I looked down and said "What honey?"
So I took it from her and she said, "Thank you"

Makayla has always been the master at finding lost things (probably because she takes them in the first place!) I just say "Where is Mommy's phone?" and off she goes to get it for me.
Lately though she has been 'shrugging' her shoulders.
ME: Makayla, go get your shoes so we can go. Where are Makayla's shoes?
MAK: shrugs and looks around her without moving than looks back at me shrugs again and goes back to what she was doing. All the while her shoes are next to her about 2 feet away.
The little punk!

She has learned to climb up on chairs and window sills and the couch.
Whenever she hears the music from the ice cream man's truck she starts dancing and clapping and runs to the door.
In the morning she wants to go straight to Daddy to wake him up. So I put her up on the bed next to him and she whispers "Daddy" If that doesn't work she taps him on the face and says "Daddy" and if he STILL won't move she stands up and falls down on him and says "DADDY UP!" Then he grabs her and tickles her and covers her with the blankets.

I don't remember what I did before I had her. I must have been very boring, or maybe I'm boring now to other people and don't realize. It's true what they say, that your world seems to revolve around your children. But I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way! Jordan and I haven't been on a date by ourselves in ages, but I don't mind. Makayla comes with us to dinner and a movie and always behaves so well! I am so grateful to have such a beautiful, entertaining daughter and a great husband who is also a great father!


  1. What a cute post. She sounds like such a cutie--i love this age where they are communicating. It's so true-i think the same thing,what did i ever do when i wasn't a mom?

  2. HAHAHA, oh that great! She is such a smart girl! I can see her hiding stuff from you, that's so funny!! :) Love you guys, ahh you make me miss you even more than I did before (which was alot anyway! ) :)
