Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I know, this is late, but whatever. Most of these pictures you've seen anyway.
We were blessed enough to have Halloween TWICE this year. Starting with a Disney style Halloween party at Disney's California Adventure. We had a TON of fun and got a TON of candy! Not to mention Jordan's mom was there too! We had a He-Man themed Halloween this year. Jordan was a very studly Prince Adam in his pink vest and purple pants :-) Jordan' mom was the birdlike Sorceress, I was a very FAT cringer and Makayla was the cutest EVER Orko!
Here we are with the Wicked Stepmother and Stepsisters from Cinderella. Oddly enough they were the only characters Makayla actually ran up to and hugged!
Here is Adam & Orko. See, told you, cutest EVER Orko!
On the actual Halloween Day itself, we were SO busy moving into our new apartment in Washington that we didn't get to do the traditional trick or treating :-(
But my wonderful sister's-in-law along with my nephew Andrew, stopped by and took Makayla and I off to the mall and to visit the Grandparents before the night was over.
Here is the little batman (with his Aunt Nicole penguin) and Orko at the mall!
Happy Halloweening everyone! I am already SUPER excited about next year's Halloween and doing another great theme! This time with ANOTHER baby :-)
Hopefully I'll have my sewing machine, so they will be able to be a bit more elaborate. Hooray for Halloween and free candy!

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