Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oscar Milestones

It just amazes me how fast kids grow.
I know people tell me all the time
"enjoy this, it goes by so fast"
so true.
Oscar has teeth coming in.
I can't believe it!
I think Makayla was over 6 months before her first tooth came in.
But Oscar is only 4 months old and he has TWO bottom teeth showing their little tops!
I know, you can't see them in these pictures.
They aren't big enough for that yet,
But you can FEEL them!
And he definitely did not like them coming in!
Poor little guy!
I know he looks happy here,
but it was not all smiles and giggles for the past couple days!

He is also learning to sit up!
Crazy I know.
But when he is laying on his back he lifts his head and grunts and grunts, trying to sit up.
So Makayla and I helped him sit up.
And he sat long enough for me to take pictures!

In fact the only reason he "fell over" was because Makayla ..."helped" him by knocking him over! I guess that's what big sisters are for right?


  1. I am impressed that you got a picture of those 2 cute teeth! Landon didn't get his first tooth til 7 months and ky-10 months! your little guy is so cute!!!i love the pic of him sitting--he looks like such a butter ball!

  2. I love that the milestones are just as much fun with the second as the first, he is so dang cute!
