Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

Jiggity Jig!

Well here we are back in the land of Emerald green and Grey skies!
The kids are loving being so close to family again.
Here are some high lights of the things we've been up to. There are a few things that deserve their own post, so bear with me ;-)
Oscar. Cute as ever, even at 4 in the morning when we made him go Black Friday shopping with us. It's a good thing they have bananas at some of those stores! Only 3 melt downs, but lots of shopping and fun! It's been a tradition to go with Jordan's mom every year and I love it!
Jordan's mom also bought a ginger bread house to decorate with the kids.
She did the fancy piping and icing work, while the kids put on the candy
... or ate the candy some times ;-)

A neighborhood friend even stopped by to help a little
Finished product! They had so much fun making it! And even more fun eating it!
Now that I've uploaded all the pictures, I realize I didn't even edit them and both kids have red eyes in this picture! Oops!
But it's late and I've got a long way to go till I'm done, so red-eyed they remain!
Jordan's mom invited us to her Church for a family night. We had pizza and treats and watched Veggie Tales new Christmas movie The Little Drummer Boy (I love Veggie Tales!)
They kids each got balloons too. Here they are trying to blow them up.
I love this because I didn't even show them how, they just picked them up and started blowing!

After a little while I stepped in and helped them though ;-)
Happy kids!
There were a lot of kids there. It was so much fun!
They even had a few games to play too. This one is picking up m&m's with a straw by sucking in, and putting them in a little cup. I think Makayla was confused on the sucking in/blowing out part. I was definitely not going to touch her m&m's when the game was done! yuck! ha!
The kids LOVE being so close to their Grandma! She is so good at reading to them and coming up with fun crafts for them to do when we visit. One night when Jordan and I went to Portland for a friends birthday, she made cookies with them! Makayla still talks about it!
This might be one of my favorite pictures! I just love how excited Oscar is!
Love my book worm kids!
We went up to Seattle and visited Santa Butch, they WASU Cougar
Makayla even learned the Cougar's fight song to sing to him! It was pretty cute!
Then we stopped by and visited Jordan's grandparents for their birthdays.
(Their birthdays are only a day apart! How cute!)
We never let the kids ride in the mall strollers or big cars at the grocery store, but the kids found this abandoned one at the mall, ran over and climbed right in. It was too cute not to push them around for a little bit!
Oops... I put Thanksgiving pictures on the bottom. Sorry!
I love this picture of Jordan's Grandma (whom Makayla is named after -Maureen-) and his cousin Leslie with Oscar and Makayla. Mak almost didn't make the picture, but she has SUCH a big beautiful grin on her face! My kids love animals (from a distance)
Makayla had a Fancy Nancy Thanksgiving book with stickers in it, so she handed out stickers to everyone. They were all so sweet and even sported their stickers the rest of the evening!
I love this picture! Jordan's grandpa was getting sleepy, so Makayla came over and cuddled with him for a bit. So sweet!
We've had a lot of fun when their cousin Andrew comes to visit too.
Last time they colored on a giant box to make it into an airplane.
Then off they went!
They played with that box for over a month afterward too!
This is a picture of the kids Christmas outfits from Jordan's Mom.
I love the boys in their matching sweaters!
It took a LOT of coaxing and picture taking to get one that turned out!
Kids :-P
Merry Christmas!

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