Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rubber "duh's" and Boat rides!

So my little angel can now say duck! Yeah! Okay, well Jordan insists I have to say that she ACTUALLY says "duh" but she started saying "duh" when she picked up her rubber pirate duck (thanks Lane and Landon!) and held it up triumphantly saying "duh!"
I am so proud of her! She amazes me so much everyday! I love the fact that she can now mimic us. You can tell her to say: ma; da; ga; da and ba and she will repeat any of those consanents. She is such a great little walker now. If she falls over instead of giving up and crawling she now stands back up! It's so wonderful to see her grow. She seems to do something new all the time. We went to go see a comedy show the other night and she was standing next to us playing with Jordan's keys. When everyone started clapping she dropped the keys, clapped, then picked the keys back up! Jordan and I were amazed!
On our trip up to Canada for Valentines she had everyone on the ferry ride over "oohing" and "ahhing" over her cute little antics of blowing raspberries, smiling and waving at everyone that passed. I know everyone says this about their children, and I know they are all right also, but I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful daughter! Jordan and I definitely lucked out on the cute kid department!
(I will definitely post pictures of her first trip out of the country tomorrow!)

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