Monday, February 16, 2009

Pictures of Canada

So I asked to go to Ocean Shores and Jordan surprised me with a trip to Canada! What a sweetie! It did take the entire 2 1/2 hour drive for me to figure out we weren't going to Ocean Shores (45 minute drive) But it was worth my dumb blonde moment. We walked all over Victoria, everyone was super nice and they all wanted to stop and say hi to Makayla. We found the weirdest underground indie rock cafe/bar for dinner. It was a really neat atmosphere, but really, REALLY bad local talent night! Oh well, the waitress thought Makayla was cute enough for some free Pita and vegan dip (yuck?) And we found my new favorite Canadian couple that we played scrabble with all night (ofcourse the Americans won! I was on a roll!) 
It was also the first time I actually drank my own beer, I ordered Chocolate beer (can't go wrong right? WRONG!) it was the worst drink ever, who cares that it was 3 times the normal size when the bottle came! 
Now for some beer/liquor trivia. The difference between being drunk on Liquor and being drunk on beer....the swirling stars and lights in your eyes! Yeah, didn't know that little bit of trivia. Where is that on the bottle?
Oh well, it was still great and I had so much fun! I can't wait to go back to Victoria!

There is something extra special about seeing a father with his daughter
This is the Turtle Hostle we stayed at.

Even Victoria, Canada has a "chinatown"

On the boat with Canada in the background, and a plane landing on the water!

1 comment:

  1. i love, love, love victoria!! i cannot wait to take illya there to see how beautiful it is. thanks for the heads up on the chocolate beer. i'll avoid it!! =)
