Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Surprise!

We went to the most unique church I have ever been to in my life. It's called the Holiness Church of Christ Deliverance Center. Very revivalist. Very interesting. The people were so amazingly wonderful though, they all had to come up to us and say hello and "God Bless You" before, during and after the sermon. I think it was because we were probably the only white people to ever set foot in that church ;-) I don't think they could have added anymore "Amen", "Hallelujah" or "Bless you Jesus"'s if they tried! In the middle of sentences, at the end and ALL through out them! But they were so happy and very VERY nice people that completely loved what they were doing. And of course they had a very good choir (and childrens choir, so cute!)
After church we had a company barbeque and played in the grass for a while. It was almost warm enough for the cook out, but cold enough that it didn't last very long!
Jordan and I went home after that and watched "Passion of the Christ" which I hadn't seen before and highly recommend. It wasn't as gorey as I thought it would be and it was definitely very moving. I cried when Mary was running to get to Jesus through the crowd as it flashed back to her years earlier running to pick up Jesus as a child who had just fallen down. How hard that must have been for her to see her son like that! How hard it must have been for Jesus to know the ones he loved were seeing him tortured!
That night Luke and Amy came over for dinner and I was so glad they were here to be able to spend Easter with us! We have been having such a wonderful year this far and I am so grateful to all our friends and family for making it amazing!
Happy Easter!


  1. oh, i'm so glad you had a good easter. we timed it just right that we were able to be in tulsa with my family on easter. nothing like feeling the holiday spirit like being near family.

    why is it that people watch "the ten commandments" on easter when it has nothing to do with the easter story?? good idea watching, "passion of the Christ". i cried through the entire thing!

  2. Hello! Evalyn wanted to "more pictures!" She loved watching Makayla sign and say dog and cat. She watched the video over and over. It was super fun. She kept saying, "Bakayla, Bakayla!"
