Saturday, April 4, 2009

Random moments that make me proud to be a mom!

Everyone has them, those precious little gem moments that make you well up and say "awwww!" well after reading multiple blogs that all have lists and lists of those moments I thought I would share some of the past days with everyone. I know, I need to start taping them, that is definitely on my list, I PROMISE :-)

Jordan called and talked to Makayla when I handed her the phone and she heard his voice she reached up her arms like she wanted someone to pick her up and said "DaDa!" then when he said "Hi" she waved at the phone and put it on her shoulder upside down and started walking around the house, just like Daddy does!

We went to the playground and met a little 3 year old boy catching bugs, so Makayla and I decided to help him. We found and worm instead, Makayla walked around clutching it in her hand before she finally threw it in a bush. The little boy said "Baby, you can't have my worm!"

Best news ever, Makayla actually spent all night in her own really! ALL NIGHT! Yes she woke up, and could walk around the room, but the door was shut, and we didn't go in...and she went back to sleep and woke up happy in her own room at 10 am!!!!!! God bless the little dear in giving Mommy a night to sleep :-)

Makayla copies everything she sees, no really, everything! I got sick the other day and Makayla saw me throwing up, so the next day while getting her ready for her bath, she went over and lifted the toilet lid and started coughing into the toilet! You have to really watch what you do around that kid! Seriously!

Makayla loves to read books, wear necklaces, play hide and go seek and dance. I really need to remember to video tape her because she is a riot when she plays. She can also point out her eyes, nose, mouth and ears! We are so proud of our little girl!


  1. okay, the throwing up part is hilarious!! charity had morning sickness all the time, and, because of it, sofia learned to throw up in the toilet as well! kids really can be awesome sometimes.

  2. Hey I found your blog and wanted to say hi! Makayla has grown up so much, she's beautiful! I'm really bad at video taping things too!
