Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Makayla Maureen Goes to the Zoo

Makayla Maureen, the Jelly Bean Queen, 
Went to the Zoo one day.
She saw penguins and deer, then cried out in fear
When the jaguar walked by her way.
On a rope bridge she walked, and "llama" she talked
As jellyfish danced 'round her head
It was quite a long day, so then, after the fray
Makayla went home and to bed.


  1. okay, you are too adorable. i love your poem!! if the weather is good, illya & i are going to the zoo on sunday. we can't wait. i love the zoo!

  2. Hi guys! So you are still in Washington? Hope everything is going well for you there! We live in AZ now - we're cookin' here!! Your little girl is a cutie!
