Saturday, May 2, 2009

Who doesn't love an oversized red cat in a space suit?

Everyone has such pretty photography worthy pictures on their blogs. So here is my one. And YES, I did take it!

Makayla's bangs have been bugging me for ages! So I finally decided she was old enough to at least cut her bangs!

It turned out a little more blunt than I wanted it, but still really cute. Especially when it's in pigtails!

It may look like she is laughing, but this is really her tantrum face when she is not getting what she wants. In this case it's a cookie. I know, I shouldn't have taught her how to say cookie...but you can't undo! She is still really cute when she throws a tantrum and sometimes it's hard to take it seriously. I suppose that's good, because her tantrums sometimes make me laugh instead of cry!

We went to an Akron Aeros baseball game this sunday. They are a double A team affiliated with the Cleveland Indians. Not that I'm sure what that means, but Jordan was way into it! He even got a foul ball. Which was funny because the guy in front of us ALSO got a foul the chest! It definitely made me more acutely aware of how easy it is to get hit and thankful that my husband always watches out for Makayla!
Makayla wasn't a big fan of the Akron Aeros mascot, Orbit, but I'm hoping that was just him and not all mascots, otherwise we could be in for some trouble at Disney!


  1. I think Sam's first word was cookie!

  2. okay, i read,"Makayla wasn't a big fan of the Akron Aeros mascot" before i actually saw the picture. then i scrolled down. HAHAHAHA! not a big fan? that kid is screaming her head off! that's a hilarious shot. and don't worry, i remember when i was around 3-4, my parents took us to toys r us to see all these different iconic cartoon & movie characters. one guy was dressed up as darth vader, i started crying uncontrollably! my dad told me who he was, and i told him,"i don't like dark vader!" but, as soon as i got to mickey mouse, i flipped in a good way! everyone loves mickey

  3. Makayla is so pretty! I love her pigtails. No we are working for Pinnacle this year, long story. Chris is co managing with a guy from Rexburg. Are you with APX still?

  4. ps happy mothers day, my dear! makayla & jordan are lucky to have you!
