Monday, May 18, 2009

Baseball, Snakes & Rings!

We have been having such a fun summer! Going to baseball games, meeting new people, working hard & playing even harder! So far this has been a pretty good year for the Paxton family!

For mother's day Jordan made sure we got up in time for the McDonalds breakfast. I LOVE their sausage egg mcmuffin and we are NEVER up in time to get it! But we made it by 7 minutes that day!

Makayla also had her first ice cream cone. There is another wife out here in Akron with me. She is 27 weeks pregnant and so much fun! We don't get to spend a lot of time together, but we went out and got ice cream the other day and it was a blast. I love warm summer days that make you want ice cream!

Makayla loves to play in the grass. She will sit down and pet it, then lay down and roll around in it! So cute! We will definitely make sure we have a lawn where ever we go this fall!

We went to the Pittsburgh Pirates game this sunday because it was free "build a bear workshop toy day" for kids 14 & under. They gave away these Perogies (which is a ravioli like food filled with mashed potatoes!) we asked the traffic cops where a good place to eat them was, after the game. He sent us to the Primanti Bros in the strip. Even though they still had good food...they didn't have perogies, so we will have to make another 2 hour trip out to pittsburgh this summer to eat a perogie! But that works out because 2 of the people we came with each won 2 free tickets to another Pirates game! So we have to go back anyway!

This is us at PNC park in Pittsburg. It started off a little cold, but warmed right up and ended up being a beautiful day!

While we were at the Pittsburgh Pirates game, our friends Chad & Kymbar got engaged! We are so excited for them, they are such a cute couple and are so much fun to hang out with!

We also went to the Cleveland Indians game on Mother's day. They played the Detroit Tigers, and even though Jordan has a rule you have to go for the home team, I was still excited that the Tigers pulled out the win! 

I also did a commercial in Cleveland for always buckling up for safety! Lots of fun!

I was very proud of myself for letting Makayla pet the giant Boa that was slithering around for the "jungle kids petting zoo" They had two giant snakes just crawling where ever on the sidewalk! People were just stepping over them! UGH! But I forced myself to let Makayla pet them and she wasn't scared! Yeah! One phobia I'm not passing on!


  1. why do americans screw up ethnic foods? perogies are a stuffed, baked roll. the potato stuffed "raviolis" are actually verinakis (which are from ukraine). by the way, i now know haw to make the meat stuffed ones ("palminis", which are russian), so the next time we get together, i will totally make them for you!!

    i'm so glad you had an awesome mothers day. i think you're a great mother. i also think it's hysterical that there is some other couple out there who can't make it in time for a mcdonalds breakfast!! hahaha!! we're so lazy!

  2. That is a huge snake! I would have been afraid too!

    I agree with the long dating, short engagement thing. But everyone does it their own way. And it works out for a lot of people.

    The angel food cake was delicious. We didn't even finish it though. We need more strawberries. We need to have you guys over sometime. It is just so hard to plan something when the boys get home at varying times every night!

  3. oh, way to go on letting your baby girl touch a big snake! I'm not sure I would have! :) Looks like you guys have fun wherever you land- all over the country!
