Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not Afraid of the Toilet (Not for the judgmental or faint of heart)

The other day I was reading a book about raising toddlers (so much good, so much bad!) and started on the chapter about potty training. 
WHAT? Already? No way! She's not even 15 months old yet! (2 weeks left!)
But there it was, staring at me. "Signs your toddler is ready for potty training"
So I read it. Some of those signs are:
1:) Can they follow simple instructions? 
     -Yes, she puts her toys away, finds lost items for me, gets her pajamas out when its time for bed and she answers yes when you ask her simple questions like "do you want to" or "did you like"
2:) Can they walk and sit down?
     -Yes, for months now thank you very much!
3:) Is your child interested in watching you and mimicking you when you go to the bathroom?
     -Yes, right down to grabbing toilet paper & handing it to me
4:) Is your child afraid of the toilet?
     -No, she thinks it's too cool for words unfortunately. Good thing she doesn't have enough strength to lift flush yet :-) But I have found some interesting things in the bowl (rubber duck, baby doll-apparently she needed a bath?- and silverware!)

So I thought, eh...why not? we'll see if she wants to. Makayla has always been pretty regular so about the time that I would have changed a dirty diaper I asked Makayla "Do you need to go potty?" 
"Would you like to go in the toilet like Mommy and Daddy?"
She frantically nodded and said "yes" as she raced toward the stairs to go up to her bathroom. 
So I followed and took her diaper off (there was a little in it already) and put her on the toilet backward so she could hold on to the seat. 
Lo and behold, she went in the toilet! Then we wiped her and she flushed the toilet and clapped! 
"Holy cow!" I thought, no way is she really ready for this!
But so far it's been 3 days of potty training and she LOVES it! No seriously LOVES it! Not that she goes in the toilet every time, I think it's been a total of twice, including the first little miracle, but the point is...SHE WANTS TO! 
For those of you cynics out there I would like to add, that I am watching her very carefully, I am not pushing her, or forcing her to sit until she goes. She happily jumps up there and sits there until she turns to me and says "all done" and I promptly take her off. I don't care if it takes months, I'm not stressed, she IS only 14 1/2 months after all, but if she wants to, if it's a game and fun to her, I am ALL for it!
SO judge me if you want, but I don't care. My wonderfully smart, adorable baby girl wants to potty train herself! 
*sigh* I have the best daughter in the world!


  1. Hey Naomi!
    I don't know if you remember me, we were in Orlando with you guys a couple years ago! Your daughter is beautiful and it looks like you guys are doing great! I found your blog from the Olsen's by the way, your title looked too cute to pass up and then I said, Hey, I know them!! How funny! Hope you don't mind me blog stalking! :) we are

  2. I didn't know you were potty training her! That is so cute! Man, Makayla is always making all the other children look bad! I mean, who covers their mouth when they cough? Seriously.

  3. More power to ya! That's so awesome. When they're ready-go for it. Be proud, Mama! :-)

  4. who can judge that?! you're starting her off early and you're not FORCING her to do so? i think it's awesome! maybe she could teach illya how to put the seat down! jk btw, i know someone who started sitting their baby on the toilet when she was only a couple months old! she read you should get them familiar with it from the THAT'S a bit much!

  5. What a lucky momma! If she wants to do it, I say run with it! :)
