Saturday, May 30, 2009

"Can you say..."

  Well as promised, this is a video of random clips of Makayla and her "tricks"! She does and says the most random things, it's so hard to catch them on video, somedays you just want to follow them around with a video camera catching everything they do! But that might get a little boring! So here are just some little snidbits for your viewing pleasure!


  1. I can't get over how cute Makayla is! I love her little voice and she's so good at sign language- Good job!
    I'd love to make some stuff for you! You can email me at whenever you have an order. I just got some new hair clips- does she ever wear headbands? I'll add one in for you, just for fun!

  2. like i've said many times, she's a genius!! i can't believe how much she's growing up. btw i LOVE the brown and pink outfit!!
