Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Creepy Carnival, Crafts, Cupcakes & Coloring!

What a busy week already! So it's a LONG post!
Thursday night Jordan came home and said "Be ready to leave!" So I was, after driving for about 10 minutes (all the while making me super mad by talking about the family of skunks he had found that we were going to get! grrr!) he pulled into the Burger King parking lot and behind the building......A CARNIVAL!!!! All lit up and beautiful! I was so excited, Makayla had no idea why, but she definitely caught the mood and started laughing and clapping! Unfortunately the carnival was closing, but we got to walk around and get an elephants ear anyway. (I love elephants ears almost as much as funnel cake from sleepy hollow!) We made plans to come back on sunday when we could spend more time and got mashed potatoes from Church's chicken (YUMMY!) and went home. 
SO....then on Sunday after going to a toy store and a pet shop (no skunks thank goodness, but the CUTEST little beagle/spaniel mix you EVER saw!) we went to the carnival! I was so excited! Except they wouldn't let Makayla ride anything! Not even the roller coaster for kids! I was so frusterated, she rode more rides at Disney when she was 3 and 6 months old!
Oh well, we did find one person who bent the rules a little for us and let her ride something called the Whacky Worm (p.s. the worm had feet...weird) but she had to ride it alone! Scary for me! But she did fine. And ofcourse the HAD to let her on the carousel. So after those two rides we got another elephant ear and gave the rest of our tickets to a family and went home. Still fun, and so exhausting, Makayla fell asleep extra early that night!

I've also been in the mood to be crafty lately. I went out and bought some new books on sewing, crocheting and making your own bath salts and lotions! I haven't done anything with the lotions one because I thought it would be good to wait till I had all my cooking utensils and other random kitchen necessities, but look for those recipes this fall!
I have however cracked open the crochet book and made my first ever sweater using a pattern! For those of you who don't know, I'm HORRIBLE at following instructions. I never sew with them and generally I just make up my own patter from crocheting as I go. It's not really a talent so much as laziness and being impatient, but this time I was determined to follow the pattern to the end. I know I messed up somewhere because the armhole and the arm were definitely NOT in synch,  but I was so proud of myself for finishing! So I really don't care that it looks loopsided. The next one will be better!
Hooray me! Another milestone! 

I was so excited about it that I am now making a little hat to go with it :-) It's going to my unborn niece/nephew so yes Krystal, they have to wear it at least once, but I won't get mad if it's not more than that! :-)
Just look at those cute little ear flaps! Awwww!
I found this on a friend of a friends blog, she had made little bow holders for her daughters. SO cute! So I went and bought wooden letters at the craft store (you can also get them at Walmart for less than a dollar!) and painted them (yes I painted it!) then attatched a ribbon to the back. VERY easy and quick! I also made an E for Evalyn and K for Kate (my niece & niece to be!) 

I'm glad the 'M' has two more spots to hang ribbon from, because as you can see, she is already out of room, and that's not even all of her bows either! Crazy! Perhaps I could also hang some hooks for her hair ribbons and headbands...but haven't quite figured out that one yet!
All this crafting has made me super excited for Halloween so here is my idea for a costume for Makayla. I can't figure out how to pull it off, so if you have any ideas, let me know!

And finally, cute picture of the week. I lost track of time and Makayla's naptime came and went, so while she was coloring on the floor next to me....she got a little tired. SO sweet!


  1. What fun projects!! I love doing creative things like that, I feel so satisfied when I finish a project! I love the sweater and bow holder!
    That halloween costume is such a fun idea. I could tell you how to make a tulle tutu for the skirt part and you could probably just do a pink leotard to match. That hat is pretty cute too!
    Check out my etsy store, I've added some new giveaways for the month of June, I can start on your towels if you want to take advantage of the free hand mitts too! www.kirstikoo.etsy.com

  2. Oh man soo cute! I love the sweater, and think think it looks GREAT! I love that you're so freaking creative, ah you're such an awesome mom! AHH,I miss you guys so bad, I just wanna hug Makayla, she is sooo sweet :)
