Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's the little things!

One of my favorite times of day is when Makayla wakes up from her nap. I'll be sitting downstairs reading, or working when I hear knocking. It's Makayla knocking on her door to let me know I need to come get her :-)
So I rush upstairs and open the door and there she is, all blurry eyed, hugging her duck still, with the biggest smile on her face as if to say "You found me! You are here to come save me and now we can go play!" I LOVE it! It melts my heart every time! And I kneel down on the floor and she runs up and hugs me and we go downstairs together to eat lunch, go to the park or just read books. What ever it is that we do that day she is always so excited that she gets to do it with me! 


  1. That is so cute! My little boy needs some lessons from Makayla! He just whines and cries usually.I can tell she loves her ducky!

  2. Oh she is just getting so big! Her hair is so long. Miss you guys! (oh and this is Miriam by the way) :)

  3. She knocks?! That is so cute!
