Monday, June 15, 2009


Ugh! I am just too grossed out! Makayla and I were sharing a bag of baked cheetos (they taste weird but are REALLY addictive!) and suddenly the one I put in my mouth was soggy on one end! Makayla had been eating half, and then putting them back in the bag! GROSS! I was so grossed out, I had to throw the rest away instead of dig through it! Yuck! Babies!

Disclaimer: These are not pictures of her eating the cheetos, this is our bag of cheesy popcorn (i like cheese!) but I thought the pictures were appropriate :-)


  1. Yum!!!:-) The other night Landon had dipped his piece of watermelon in ketchup, but then didn't eat it and later after he was done, I just popped the leftover watermelon on his plate in my mouth forgetting that one of them had been dipped in ketchup. ya, same thing--GROSS! :-) Oh the joys!

  2. okay, that is pretty nasty. also, to you're friend, nicole, i have TOTALLY done that...and i don't even have kids!!

    this is also why i refuse to share my drinks w/ babies. as my uncle says,"there's always a chunky surprise at the end of you drink!"
