Wednesday, June 17, 2009

20 lbs of wheat

I had to update the blog, even though nothing terribly cool has happened recently. But every time I saw the post about the cheetos, it made my stomach turn again! HA!
I guess some new things HAVE happened recently.
Emily was wonderful and got me out of the apartment complex for a couple hours last night and took me to her enrichment night. It was kind of boring since most of it was about emergency preparedness for here in Ohio. Also I'm pretty sure that with all of our hurricane, tropical storms, random moves, and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants life style, Jordan & I have pretty much got the emergency thing down! He does drive me nuts though, every time I get a new kit together he gets mad that he has to "lug it around" where ever we go. But I make him do it anyway.
So far our kits include
1: Surprise we're going to the beach!
This has sun block, beach toys, shampoo (wash the salt out of your hair!), comb, tylenol (who doesn't get sun headaches?) Water bottles, snacks, snorkels, water shoes, quarters for parking...uhm I think that's it. Everything but towels and swimsuits!
2: Surprise we're going somewhere over night!
This one has a baby travel bag with toothpaste, toothbrushes, contact solution, contact case, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, extra shirt and underwear (pants you can reuse) some driving games, tylenol, q tips, baby wipes, formula travel packs (yeah, i know she doesn't need them any more, but i haven't updated) diapers, and some extra cash.
3: Surprise! The car broke down!
Jordan HATES this one, but I love it! It's a cute little zip-up car utility bag my Dad gave me when I bought my first car and drove away to college. It has a little cone, flashlight, gloves, w-d 40 jumper cables, light bulbs for various things in my car and other random assorted extras that we buy for the car. It is SO useful...not that I've used it really, but when I do, it will be very useful. Every thing is already there. And it's so cute too!
4: Surprise! We have a baby!
This one has, baby food, spoon, diapers, blankets, books, bottled water, dried formula, bottle, drink cup, toy, baby wipes & extra clothes. For when I run out of things that are in my diaper bag. It also helps keep the overnight bag not so overstocked! We keep it all in an old duplo box so it has a lid and everything.
Now thanks to Emily and the Akron 1st Ward I have a
5: Surprise we have no food!
This is their 72 hour emergency food kit list!
2 Crackers (the little sandwich cracker packets, cheese, peanut butter etc)
2 sticks of jerky
1 pop tart
1 travel bag of nuts
1 travel bag of trail mix (uhm...lets just say they are all pretty much travel packs ok?)
2 fruit snacks
2 granola bars
3 juice boxes (or capri suns!)
2 fruit cups
2 jello
1 vienna sausage
1 tuna can (i traded mine out for a pkge of ramon noodles, because you can eat that by itself easier than you can the tuna! just preference!)
1 ravioli (if you don't have a can opener, chef boyarde makes great pop tops!)
3 pudding cups (don't refridgerate, or you'll have to keep them that way!)
6 pieces of hard candy (like peppermints, butterscotch etc..)
9 pieces of gum
1 plastic spoon.

They even have it split up into meals...but that is too much typing, so if you want that, let me know and I'll send it to you.
This package is meant for 1 person for 3 days and it "expires" 1 year from the date you put it together (not everything, so check and rotate new items in!)
I am grateful for the way I was brought up and learning about food storage and being self reliant. I am SO excited to have my own house someday that has a real food storage (Everytime I start, we move and Jordan throws most of it away....*sigh*)
Thanks Emily for taking me with you! It was a blast, especially the taste testing part. Some women made food based solely on what was in their food storage, good idea! It would be great to put together a cook book of meals from food storage. I'm sure they're out there, so if you have one let me know! Otherwise, how will you know what to do with 20 lbs of wheat?


  1. Yay! I have been having such a hard time not eating everything out of my 72 hour kit! I need to put that thing away so I am not tempted anymore.

  2. that was a great post!! Thank you! I am so unprepared. Even with all the constant emergency prep training we get, I don't seem to get prepared until we have a tornado scare and I panic!! I've started a car kit though and I'm always glad I have it when we are out and about.

  3. AnonymousJune 25, 2009

    I've got to get around to putting 72 hour kits together for my family. I'd love it if you'd email me the meal break down. Although I wouldn't eat vienna sausage if my life depended on it. I guess I could substitute that for Ramen kinda like you did for the tuna. We do have some food storage. I keep it in containers under Shawns bed since there is the most room under there. It's nice to have for simply the peace of mind.
