Thursday, July 30, 2009

4 Months!

Ok, so technically this is a couple days premature, but I was in the mood to do a pregnant blog today. So that is what you get.
Here's my blossoming belly. Yes my face says it all. I'm happy, sarcastically happy.
The truth is I'm very annoyed. I am still not happy with the smells of most food, and while I try to eat them, they just don't agree with me that they should stay in my belly. So up they come.
And this makes me sad. And weak. I feel like my muscles have all turned to jelly. And that is what is most annoying.
I felt so weak yesterday that when Makayla fell asleep on the couch before I could get her upstairs for her nap, I didn't think it would be wise for me to carry her up the stairs.
WHAT!?! How annoying to not be able to carry your child. I'm hoping this stage passes soon. I'm tired of running out of breath on walks and turning on cartoons so I can just lay down for a bit.

On to the GOOD news. I can actually feel where the little one is sitting now. And I get that roller-coaster-drop-in-your-stomach-feeling that means this one is swimming laps! Yeah for movement! And what a double edged sword. On the one hand, So happy it moves because that means it's alive. On the other, here comes the painful jabs and movements that will keep you up all night. Not that I would trade that for anything in the world.
Due to doctor problems I haven't had an appointment since 8 weeks and since the ultrasound haven't heard the heartbeat (well, technically we didn't hear it, just saw it) So needless to say I have been a little nervous. So these first little movements that make your stomach spin have been very welcome indeed.
Plus my belly is starting to be all baby. It's getting a lot harder so that means less fat and more baby :-) Hooray!
AND a woman actually asked me the other day if I was expecting. YEAH! Fun times!
According to the baby is about the size of my hand and getting chubby now!
I am still really nervous about the doctor situation. Especially now that Jordan is trying to decide how long he wants to do post season, and where. So there will be a lot of doctor juggling I think. But I'm sure it will all work out in the end.


  1. congratulations again and I'm sorry you aren't feeling well! I hate that part of being pregnant. I'm so glad that Makayla is so good for you with naps and watching movies. That makes it so much easier!
    p.s. I love your idea blog- I've never seen that moda bake shop site and I'm already in love with it!

  2. first off, can i say that i adore you for how good you are w/ keeping up w/ your blog?! i think i've told you before how it annoys me to have friends who can go months w/out updating...especially when they have kids! i know you're busy, but show off the offspring more then once a season! moving on, your belly is adorable!! i just wanna' pet it...yes, pet it like it's a cat...get over it =)
