Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nap Time

This is how nap time starts at our house.

It starts with a tantrum over some simple task. Like walking while carrying something heavy, or trying to climb onto the couch.
Then it escalates to Makayla throwing herself onto the floor and kicking her legs.
I calmly ask "is it time for a nap?"
She gets up and heads for the stairs all the while crying and saying "goodnight guys, goodnight guys"
She then crawls into bed and yells for her duck and bottle & me (i love that last part, a small "mama" from her room and my heart melts!)
She lays down and gets comfortable.
Drinks her bottle and plays with her duck. (i blame her father for the fact that she can rarely take a nap without it!)
And falls asleep for 2-4 hours.
Yes, 2-4 hours.
Sometimes its 2 hours, sometimes she's out for so long i make all sorts of crafts and watch TWO movies :-)

Either way I am grateful that she is really very easy when it comes to naps.
Even when we are away from home, at a ball game, in the car or at someone else's house. It's still the same basic routine and she's out :-)
I'm lucky. I know.

Now, funny picture of the day.
Makayla and I had to make a morning run to walmart yesterday. We hadn't eaten yet so I grabbed a banana for the road and gave her half. I looked back 5 minutes later and saw that she had shoved the whole thing in her mouth and was just sitting like this humming.
Yeah, I stopped and took a picture.
And I laughed.
I love my little girl. Seriously!


  1. Oh my gosh, that pic is freaking HILARIOUS!! I LOVE Makayla!! I miss you guys soo much! give her a big kiss for me :)

  2. she is so cute and you are such a good mom!

  3. enjoy this moment with her taking naps because it usually means the next kid will be hell to put down. if not, you must write a book to teach all parents your ways!!! btw i think the banana picture is my new favorite of her!!
