Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thank you.

Thank you Target Employee who saw me struggling with a cart, a kicking and screaming toddler and a nauseas and growing baby bump. Thanks for coming all the way over to me, instead of waving me to you, and opening a line right next to me. I don't know if you were trying to get the tantruming kid out of your store, or if you saw I was struggling. But I appreciate it.

Thank you blood drawing lady for leaving early so I wasn't able to get my blood drawn today. I was so nervous and scared about it. Now I have a whole week and a half to build up nerves again. But I'm still glad it wasn't today.

Thank you to all the people that leave comments on my blog. You make me feel loved.

Thank you Emily for making having a baby look so easy. You were glowing the next day. And your new son is so beautiful it actually makes me excited to have another one. I was more than disheartened before. But after seeing Alexander, I want to see mine too. Thank you!
I mean really, look at him. Who wouldn't want one like this? Seriously!
Thank you to the super cool lady that answered the door when Makayla knocked on it. I was on the phone and not paying attention when she escaped and knocked on your door, but you were so nice and happy even when we disturbed you and Makayla didn't even smile at you.

Thank you to the really nice leasing office girl who told me I had a cute belly. You made my day.

So pretty much thanks to all you nice people out there who go out of your way for others. Even when you don't think you're recognized


  1. So true. It's those comments that you get from strangers in public that really do make your day when you're preggers. I love the "you look so tiny for being so far along" comment. I will take that anyday. :-) Hang in there!

  2. Oh thank you! That was the glow of exhaustion!

  3. Hi! I just read your comment on my blog about cloth diapers. I will try to answer your questions ASAP. Thanks for asking me for info!

  4. great post, yet again. i love the kindness of strangers. like the lady i barely knew in our apartments who, when she found out i fried my ipod, gave me a brand new shuffle to have for jogging. or, the man who pulled over his truck to the side of the road to talk w/ my dog because "she's so beautiful". and, of course, the sweet new mom who came into the apx office in pensacole w/ her adorable baby to keep my company when i knew no one there (she knows who she is) *wink*. yes, i love the kindness of stranger because those people become the sweetest friends a person could have.

  5. Ok, so I just updated my diapering blog with answers to all your questions. I hope it helps!
