Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Blood Drawn.

So Makayla has learn to run....only not very well unfortunately and she gets so excited she forgets to watch her toes, then over she goes! So she has been having a LOT of skinned knees lately :-( So many in fact that one knee in particular is very unhappy with her and bleeds a lot! Very sad, but what makes it WORSE, is she cries and says "owie!" and points to her knee. And if it really bleeds she won't even walk she just sits on the floor and cries saying "owie" and holding her knee. :-(
Her Daddy came home and rescued her one night when she was like this and we finally decided that we should put a band-aid on it for her.
And of course after that, you need some comforting.
The bad news is it didn't really help too much. she would just pull the band-aid up and say owie. So I guess it's nothing but pants for a while now until she forgets that it hurts.
My poor little bug!


  1. Poor baby!! She is such a doll!! So cute.

  2. i love that in the 2nd picture, jordan & makayla have the same expression on their faces. too cute. btw kudos for going all this time w/out needing a bandaid. that's pretty remarkable!
