Sunday, November 1, 2009

At Last!

HOORAY! I finally have MY computer, AND internet! Now for a LOT of catch-up :-)
First lets start with my new niece Kate Marie Hitchcock!

Here is my sister-in-law Heather (2 days before she had Kate), my sister Krystal (at 7 months) & ME! (at 5 months)
Here is John with Makayla the morning Kate is born (we had NO idea, so much for a routine doctor's appointment!) But I love this picture of Mak, she just looks so cute with all that hair!
And here is the new family :-) Heather, so much braver than I, allowed me to take a picture of all of them. This is about 30 minutes after she was born! Heather was a real trooper and got the whole thing over and done with in about 6 1/2 hours! She amazes me!
Of course, here's the proud aunt holding Kate the next day.
I also had a lot of fun with my family while I was visiting in Idaho. Evalyn & Makayla made some lovely artwork at story time in St Anthony. I was very proud of myself and Makayla for putting all the clothes in the right spot (kind of) with out me telling her where to put them! I just put glue on the clothes and handed them to her! What a little smartie!
Here is an adorable picture of Krystal at 7 months (that's right, that means ANY DAY NOW I get a nephew!!!!!) I'm sorry I didn't turn the picture :-P
We also rode the carousel that's in Rexburg. I never even knew it was there! But Makayla and Evalyn loved it so much! We just had to ride twice :-)
The cousins also got a long really well this time and were so cute jumping on the bed! I love this picture because it looks like they are having a slumber party!
And here is all of the cousins! Oddly enough they are all about 18 months apart! Crazy!
Evalyn, 3; Kate, 3 days; Makayla 1 1/2
So that's my first post of many :-)
This was my trip to Idaho and I have a million more pictures, but since I also have a million more posts to do to catch up....we'll have to save those!
Thanks to all who continued to read even though my posts were few and without pictures!


  1. I'm really enjoying checking out your blog. I'll try sending you some stuff this week. I'm trying to take it easy, and spending time on the computer could help me slow down a bit. :)

  2. cute pictures! and your niece is so beautiful!
