Tuesday, October 6, 2009

quick time

i have about 3 minutes before mak gets REALLY upset about being trapped in the computer lab, so i thought it was time for an update :-)


That's right folks I am due 3 months from now! HOORAY!!!!
My belly has pretty much exploded in the past week and I am definitely pregnant now and not just getting a belly!
Still walking EVERYWHERE and this last weekend when Jordan's mom visited REALLY kicked my butt! I am SO tired! So yesterday Mak and I slept alot. Good thing she loves Sleeping Beauty and can watch it over and over without getting tired of it :-) She is also becoming SUPER helpful and I am so excited for her to be a big sister. She can throw things away, put her shoes and clothes away in the right place and go get things we ask her to find. What a little smarty!
She loves to dance, and when we were at Disney at the Halloween party she had a blast dancing with Daisy Duck (and petting her tail!) It was ADORABLE (yes, yes I know, I need pictures!)
We dressed up as He-Man characters for the Halloween Party.
Jordan was Prince Adam
I was Cringer
Jordan's Mom was the Sorceress
And Mak was a VERY CUTE Orko!
Seriously VERY cute! You will LOVE the pictures! And if you simply can't wait to see them, let me know and I can send you a picture text :-)

The baby is starting to move a lot more and putting a lot of weight the bottom. But somehow managing to put a lot of weight on the top too. So all that lack of air I was blaming on the smog effect....actually the baby effect :-)

Jordan is still doing a really good job in such a hard market and we are happy we decided to lengthen our season out here in LA

I am searching through Craigslist, Apartment.com and many other sites looking for housing. The only problem I'm running into is they want us THERE to sign. Like nobody's ever moved from out of town before? I'm hoping we can just get our background ran HERE and have them notarized and mailed/faxed THERE so when we get there we can just move right in!

Mak LOVES watching Sleeping Beauty. It's been her favorite for quite a while. She also likes the other Disney cartoons also, she can recognize and say "Ariel" and she likes cartoons in general, but her favorite by far seems to be "Sleeping Beauty" or as she says "butte!"
She is a wonderful dancer, LOVES the water. I filled her plastic toy bin full of water and put it on the balcony and she plays out there for hours! Wonderful Babysitter!
She also LOVES shoes and we can't pass a shoe store and not go in and let her try them on! She also likes purses and is always looking for things to carry around. She is so much fun and seriously hillarious to watch, even if she is getting into trouble. She has discovered the work "no" and likes to use it often, much to the chagrin of her father and I :-( But she also loves to give hugs and kisses, so that makes up for it :-)

She had so much fun with her Grandma this weekend. We went to Venice Beach, Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, Santa Monica Pier, Disney and many other random stops that kept us very VERY busy. We loved having her visit and are super excited to be able to see her more often next month, as well as Aunts, Uncle, Grandparents and Andrew! Hooray!
We already miss little Kate and have to berate her parents for not sending more pictures! This means YOU JOHN AND HEATHER!
This is my sisters last month of being pregnant also! The first boy on my side after 3 girls! :-)
Evalyn is going to be a great big sister also and I am so excited to meet the little boy and find out what name they picked out :-)

It's the year of babies, and I am super excited for all of my friends and family that are adding to their own families :-) What a fun time to be having kids!

Thanks for reading this update and stay tuned, just a couple more weeks before I will reward all of my loyal reading friends with some pictures of our time here in LA!
Thanks to everyone who leaves comments! You always make my day so much brighter! You guys are great!

Ok, so Mak lasted longer than I thought! Good job Mak!


  1. Hello, I'm glad to hear you are walking everywhere. Keep it up!! And I can't wait to see those pictures. :)

  2. I miss the updates! Glad to hear you are doing well.

  3. oh, i hope we don't miss you guys when you are driving back up to washingtion. we leave next week for ukraine and will be gone for almost a MONTH! yikes! the way my mother in law cooks, i hope i don't gain all my weight back i lost "you! eat, salah, eat!" thanks for the updates and i am one of those people who can't wait for the pictures so send them to me asap!! love and miss you! keep up the updates 'cause i adore them!!

  4. Ok so I am SOOO out of date. When did you move to LA?! and what are you up to? I swear I haven't heard from you in FOREVER! It's so crazy that you only have 3 more months, till baby time whoo hoo :) can't wait to see the sweet little bundle of joy, and I'm still pushin for a little girl :) can't wait to see new pics of Mak and YOU, I'd love to see a sweet new Prego pic :) you're so damn adorable babe, I love ya! :)
