Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

What a day to celebrate. I am so grateful to the men and women of this country who sacrifice so much so that I can sit here and be blissfully unaware of how safe I am being kept.
I am also thankful for the families of the soldiers who fight. For being willing and supportive to your soldiers more than I could ever be.
For those in the past, for those fighting for peace and equal chances today and for those who will be called on and volunteer to fight in the future,
In Olympia they held celebrations the day before Veteran's day at each of the Olympia war memorials. Our good friend, and the Paxton's neighbor for years "Grandma" Giffin was asked to speak at the Korean War Monument. Her and her husband were MD's that were in Korea when the war broke out, and continuously served throughout the war.
Grandma Giffin was awarded the Presidential Citation Award, the highest award a civilian could get! She bravely sacrificed all of her belongings so medical supplies could be stored, and headed a monumental effort to evacuate women and children from Korea when the war broke out. Including quite a few pregnant women, some who had gone into labor while being evacuated! She saved countless lives and was in charge of the women and children and their welfare on their voyage from Korea to Japan's safe harbour. Her story is incredible, and I can't do it any justice! I will definitely have to post more about it later.
This is the "Forgotten War" monument at the Olympia Capitol.
It was a very cold day, but we were glad to be out in support of the veterans. We sported poppies and Makayla carried a flag around. I'm not going to lie, it was very cute to see her wave and clap when the crowd clapped.
So thank you again to our troops.
You fight so we don't have to. And for that I am eternally grateful.

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