Sunday, November 15, 2009

Goodnight Moon

Makayla has a new bed! Hooray! She doesn't have to sleep on the floor anymore!
We found this great score at Goodwill and when Makayla started naming off all of the princess' on it, we knew we just HAD to have it! (and we went in there to find a couch!)
Every night before she goes to sleep she points to each princess, says their name, then waits for you to say "yes that is cinderella"
This is how SHE says it.
"Yah Yah" = Cinderella (don't know how...but it does)
"Belle" = Belle (not so difficult!)
"Boos" = Sleeping Beauty
(she also knows the difference between when
sleeping beauty is Briar Rose, and calls her "rose" then! smart girl!)
It is actually a fairly sturdy little bed, because I can sit on it, and Jordan can lay on it...
very curled up though.
Here's a little Daddy/Daughter nap time.
We bought her a beautiful new bed....
and yet sometimes we still find her sleeping like this.


  1. so fun! i think it's the cutest thing when they have their big kid beds! i need to do a post about landon's, he's had his for months now. hehe. i love that last pic.

  2. Ooh - I love those super goodwill finds!
