Thursday, November 5, 2009

On the road again!

And now we leave Los Angeles and make our way up to Washington!
First stop, Concord California!
Here I am with my cousin Issac's wife Evie and her daughter Xochi, born 1 month before Makayla :-) Their first meeting was short, but I'm sure they will be best friends!
I got to see my Aunts and Uncles in California, and also my Grandparents! I love my California relatives!
Then, came a LOT of driving! Here we are about to go into a rain storm :-(
Here is the beautiful sky again!
Makayla and I played a lot of Peek.....
But mostly she just did a lot of staring out of the window. Poor little bored baby! She was so patient with us! She only threw 2 tantrums the whole drive! That's my little trooper!
And we got to stop in Florence Oregon to go crabbing! I've never been crabbing before but Jordan always talks about it. While we were there, they had to fish out a sea lion.
Yep, here he is in all his dead glory. They were taking him out to the coast so the coast guard could blow him up...or something like that. I didn't really understand.
While we waited for our crab traps....oh yeah I skipped a part of the story...
We walked down the dock and met a fisherman who let us borrow his crab traps for the low bargain price of a beer :-) So we made it a 6 pack!
While we waited for our crab traps, we walked around Florence and Makayla fell asleep. Just like this. We were laughing so hard! Oh to be a kid again and be able to sleep anywhere and everywhere!
Florence is SO beautiful!
Here we are, crab trapping! Makayla and I got attacked by some little crabs that escaped the trap. We weren't very big fans of that. Luckily Jordan was there to save us!
We didn't catch any big enough to eat, but it was DEFINITELY fun!
Look at this wonderful artistic picture! I think the Plaksey's would be proud :-)
Then back into the car for more driving. This time not on I-5, but the GORGEOUS Hwy 101!
Look at that beautiful wind blown hair! Oh yeah, and the beach behind us isn't bad either.
If any of you are worried about where Makayla is, she's sleeping in the car 4 feet in front of us.
Love the ferocious ocean of the West Coast!
The light on the mountain above the ocean is a lighthouse. We couldn't make it out to see the lighthouse because it was getting late, but it was my first real, legitimate, working lighthouse! And it was beautiful!
Seriously, the ocean is GORGEOUS!
And of course we stopped in Newport at the Rogue Brewery :-)
Yes we are Rogue Citizens now!
It was a great drive!
We even made it in time to get our apartment, have Jordan's parents help us empty our storage unit (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I got to sleep in a real bed that night!)
still do a little trick or treating!
Yes, Halloween pictures to come!
Thanks for hanging in there on my catch up posts! Only a couple more to go!

1 comment:

  1. you guys have been traveling a ton! i don't know how you do it! it looks like you've been having a good time!
