Friday, November 6, 2009

Potty Training at the Paxtons. No pictures please.

we have been working on potty training now that we are back in Washington. Mostly because I don't want to change TWO babies diapers! (selfish, maybe) We aren't pushing it too much, but whenever we change a diaper we go sit on the "big girl potty" (yes the actual toilet, I don't want to exchange a diaper changing for a potty cleaning) She is also in charge of throwing her diapers away and sometimes she'll even come to me and say "pee" or "diaper" when it's time for a change! Hooray!
Or so I thought....
Now I forgot that she also knows how to undress herself.
AND take off her diaper.

So today while I was perusing the bogging craft world Makayla came up to me and said "diaper" so I said "ok, hold on just a second"
She walked into the bathroom, then came out and said "all done!"


I look down to see a half naked, dirty little baby. YIKES!

Here's what happened.
She went into the bathroom, took off her pants, took off her DIRTY diaper, and put it in the toilet. Grabbed some toilet paper tried to wipe herself and came back out to show me how well she had done.
LUCKILY the only places that were dirty were her bottom and the toilet.
LUCKILY I figured this out before she was running all over the house and SITTING on things!
UNluckily the toilet is now full of dirty diaper :-(

What can you do but laugh?

And believe me, I am trying to laugh.

Just thought you'd want to know how my morning was going.


  1. No, you are not supposed to laugh until tomorrow. (or next year?) wow! That was a close one! and congrats for starting early!

  2. she's got the idea and process down! that's great! so there's a diaper in your toilet-minor detail (that was sarcastic :-) i haven't attempted potty training w/ landon yet. i'm waiting til january, so i will be asking you lots of advice for sure!
