Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Poor Little Makayla

After about a month of a small cold that just wouldn't go away,
Makayla finally got REALLY sick last sunday.
It was so sad!
Saturday night she woke up at 3 in the morning screaming and spent the next 7 hours refusing to sleep. Only cry. I felt so bad, but she didn't have a temperature, and she wasn't throwing up, so I didn't know what to do.
She finally fell asleep sometime in the morning and her and I spent all day sunday on the couch cuddling. She drank bottles and I would check her temp as it went up and down all day.
Finally when Jordan got back home at about 9 pm, we decided we needed to take her into the ER. After the doctor looked at her, he told us her ear drum had blown!
I felt HORRIBLE! My poor little baby girl had been in pain for the 7 hours she screamed! What a bad mom! They gave us antibiotics and told us to give her motrin. They said not to worry because normally ear drums can grow back when they are this young.
So now we play the waiting game and next week sometime we take her into her doctor to make sure it's grown back.
She seems fine now, she was even running around playing the next day! But I am still fairly paranoid, how do you miss something like an ear ache?
This is twice now she has had some type of sinus infection. The first when she was about 6 months old, I took her in for a cold and found out she had a bad sinus infection!
This is her then, they put her in a little baby hospital robe and everything! How sad!
Ofcourse THIS time, she was a little more active at the doctor's office, so we got a video.
This is her Daddy, trying to get her to confess to "faking" her sickness
Really cute!

Hopefully next week when we go to the doctor we find out everything is ok.
I wouldn't worry too much though, as sad as that was watching her sick and suffering,
she has been back to her usual crazy self running around and dancing to Lady Gaga...
Yes, Lady Gaga.
I will have to post a video of that later ;-)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! that's crazy! it's so hard to know what to do with a sick child--especially when they can't communicate what hurts!

    and you are a good mom! don't beat yourself up--she was with her mommy and that was a big comfort for her for you to take care of her!
