Saturday, December 26, 2009

Out in the middle of WAZZU!

On our drive back to Washington from Idaho, we decided to stop by Pullman so Jordan could show me around Washington State University (the college he graduated from... with honors... yes, I'm bragging!)
It really REALLY is out in the middle of no where. It was a super long drive. But really the only wildlife we saw (and almost hit) were the deer crossing the street in the middle of the town of Colfax! 1:30 in the morning and I said "Deer... DEER!"
Yep, there they were crossing at the crosswalk.

The next day we got up early to go see the bears. WSU has a mini bear reserve on campus. Not sure why, but it was really neat. The bears were all kind of put away in outside cages instead of wandering the field like the normally do. But they were BIG!
Makayla was "roaring" at them, but they didn't seem to mind.

Sorry, you can't really see them in the pictures, but like I said they were BIG, so there was a lot fencing between us and the bears.

We also went and saw some cows. (Leave it to a city boy like Jordan to think THAT was cool!)
But when Makayla and Jordan started "mooing" and all of the cows came closer to see what was going on... it was kind of cool. I think that might have been one of Makayla's favorite things to see.
A HUGE milestone for us, Makayla put on her own seat belt! We were just hopping from one spot to the next, so we set her in the car seat, when we turned around to get her out, she already had the top part buttoned and was working on the bottom latch! How cool is that!!!!
I am so proud of my smart little girl!
Of course we also had to stop by the famous WSU Cheese factory! It was neat to see how cheese was made, and even better to TASTE it! I'm not a huge fan of Cougar Gold (their signature cheese) but I LOVE Sweet Basil!
Since WSU is really REALLY out in the middle of no where... we went to the Cougar store, then headed the rest of the way home. After all we had a really REALLY long drive through a snowy pass coming up!

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