Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Baby Story

It all started on New Year's Day.

ALL DAY LONG there were dumb contractions. Not close enough together to time, but hard enough to think "oh I've had another one like you recently"
It was fairly easy to guess how far apart they were approximately because we were watching the Twilight Zone Marathon. About 2-3 contractions each episode I think.
Never closer, never further apart, never stronger. Just annoying.

Around 11:30 pm they started coming faster :-)
Within 45 minutes they were about 3-5 minutes apart. AND PAINFUL!
Jordan left to go get some Jack in the Box and while he was gone I told him he should probably call his sister Nicole and warn her she might need to come spend the night with Makayla.
By the time he got home I told him Nicole needed to come over now.
So like a trooper Nicole came over at 1:30 in the morning to watch Makayla for us!
We headed off to the hospital.

We got there, checked in, and waited some more.
Unfortunately even though my contractions said "you are in labor" my cervix said "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
I was only a 1!!!!!

So we waited to see if it would get worse. They couldn't give me any pain medication because if I WAS in labor, it would be a ceserean, and if I WASN'T I was going home :-P
So a couple hours of misery in the room, and...

So they gave me medicine to stop the contractions.
Very sad.
Only thing was. It didn't work.
Not just that, but the baby seemed to follow his sister's labor and wasn't quite having the strongest heart beat.
between the heart beat and the fact that the contractions were still steadily coming, they decided to go ahead with the delivery!
So they prepped me for surgery.

They prepped Jordan for the surgery

They made him wait in the recovery room while they finished prepping me. They actually made me get up on my own operating table! I told them "no" of course. But apparently, they are not good listeners, because I soon found myself sitting on the edge of it waiting for my spinal tap.
HIGHLY recommend the spinal tap versus the epidural! MUCH less work involved, so much faster AND a smaller needle :-) so i've been told.
And the anesthesiologist was SO nice, he gave me a couple relaxants first because he could tell I was nervous. So pretty much I slept through them getting me ALL ready and whatever they were saying that might have made me stress at the time (like, okay we are washing the area we are going to cut, attaching the vacuum and all that) didn't bother me at all!
They let Jordan come in, and suddenly we were in business!
They called Jordan to the other side of the curtain and asked if we wanted any "matter from the birth" ...he respectfully declined. BUT, he got to see my guts and a giant vat of my blood that they were collecting from all that was coming out of me
It still took a vacuum to get the baby out, then it seemed to take FOREVER for them to tell us what it was. Finally Jordan asked and...

Oscar Gary Paxton
Born January 2, 2010
At 8:46 am
St Peter's Hospital in Lacey Washington.

Jordan went off with little Oscar while they cleaned me up. Then we all reunited in the recovery room. It was cold, so they loaded me up with heated blankets. SO nice :-)
And of course Jordan HAD to take a picture :-P
Luckily it is far away. So I'm ok with it.

Here is our new arrival. What a little cutie! And the fact that I can remember his birth is the COOLEST thing! Because I don't remember Makayla's. And I don't remember holding her for the first time. In the picture I'm not actually holding him, I was a little... "relaxed" still so I couldn't really hold him yet.

Nicole was great and brought Makayla by shortly after we got to our room.
Thank you SO much to the Doctors who made it unscary.
Thank you SO much to Nicole for being so cool about getting up and coming over and taking GREAT care of Makayla and bringing her by so quickly to see us!
Thank you SO much to my husband who made jokes, and stayed right by me (as much as he could) so that I didn't feel alone and scared.
And thank you SO much to Oscar for coming!

More to come later


  1. Congratulations on your cute little baby boy! I love boys! :-) I'm so sorry that you had to put up w/ only being dialated to a 1! that's so crazy--you are a trooper.

    how much did he weigh??

    he is so cute! and i'm glad that you and Oscar are doing well!

  2. congrats!! I'm so excited to hear about your baby story and so glad things went so smoothly!
    And I'm glad to know its a boy, cuz I've been dyeing to know what color to make your gift! :)

  3. HOORAY!! Oscar is soo cute, I'm so excited for Makayla beging a big sister, and that both of your kids have cousins that are the same age, and a boy and girl :) it'll be so fun watching them grow up and play with their cousins :) and each other ;) So yeah I'm super curious how big he was too! Congrats on finally not being preggo anymore, and your sweet new bundle of joy! :)

  4. he is beautiful, you 3!! congrats to your growing family!! i can't wait to hold him again.
