Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Baby Story; Day 2

Well, really it's a bit of the first, second and third days. But it made a good segment anyway.

Oh, and I forgot.
Oscar was 7 lbs 11 oz & 20 inches long.
only 6 ounces bigger than his big sister was when she was born.

Now on with the story.
Oscar had some difficulties with jaundice when he was born. Never enough to warrant sitting under the lights, but just enough for them to want to check all the time to see what his levels where, and make us worry.
Even after we got home we were sent back the next day for ANOTHER billie-reuben-whatever test. :-P But luckily his levels STILL aren't high enough to worry.

But they did do a lot of tests. Especially when we told them Oscar shivered a lot. Apparently newborns don't have the capacity to shiver. SO...
Back to the lab for more testing.
This time instead of just pricking his heel, they actually drew blood!
I'm so grateful Jordan went with him for that one, I don't think I could have handled them sticking a needle in my babies arm and drawing out 3 little vials of blood :-(
Still, the tests came back saying he was ok. So we ("we" being the doctors) assume that it is just a premature nervous system acting up. We ("we" being Jordan and I) will continue to monitor him in case they get worse, or don't get better.

Most of the nurses were SUPER! They were very prompt on giving me my pain medication (thank goodness!) and they all were very happy, upbeat and thought Oscar was adorable! (me too come to think of it!) There was one nurse however, that annoyed me to no end! When she saw Oscar in this little outfit she thought he was a girl. No big deal, it IS pretty gender neutral. BUT when I said, no it's a boy, SHE said "I didn't think polka dots were for little boys. Don't they just belong on little girls?"
I tried to not let my annoyance show thinking my hormones were making me over react a bit and said "well, we didn't know what we were having, so I tried to pick out a fairly gender neutral outfit"
Then she said, "Well, polka dots do not work for little boys."
Just so you know...
I may have stuck my tongue out at her as she was leaving.
Thank goodness she got to leave early and I was assigned another nurse! She also yelled at me for almost falling asleep while holding Oscar. I'm sorry, is any women NOT extremely exhausted after giving birth? And doesn't breast feeding just TOTALLY put you to sleep? Well, it does me!
Moving on.

It was wonderful to have visitors! When Makayla was born we were on the other side of the country from our family, and only one of our friends came to the hospital to see us. But this time it was SO nice of people to come!
Jordan's grandparents came everyday to visit us! They were so sweet and even brought me some flowers! I love that they are so supportive of us, and that they thought Oscar was beautiful!

Of course, Nicole brought Makayla the first day, and stopped by the second day before she left again for Seattle and back to school. What a great Aunt!

And Makayla loved to visit too! She really liked the visitors tag she got each time. Once it was on her duck, and one day she thought it said "Makayla" because she came up to me, pointed to it and said "Makayla" so proudly! (what a little cutie!) The floors were all tile though and she slipped on them all the time. She must have decided the visitor tag would also work well as knee pads, because she ripped hers in half and put one on each knee then ran around the room. Silly girl!
Stacey brought her every day when she took over baby sitting from Nicole. I am silly and forgot to get even ONE picture of Stacey! Sorry! But she was SO great and very helpful when she came!

I learned from my sister-in-law Heather to bring my own pajamas. Because after the first day, you really don't need to stay in those unfriendly hospital gowns. And you feel SOOOO much better in your own clothes! Thanks for the tip Heather!

Andrew was so much fun to have around too. Makayla and Andrew kept everyone entertained, especially each other. Jordan took them on "juice runs" to the free juice machine down the hallway. Then they would sit down and drink the juice and eat the crackers that the nurses would give me. It was so much fun to have everyone come! It definitely broke up the time I was there, even if it did mean a lot less sleep for me :-)


  1. Congratulations! How fun to have a cute little boy! Glad it all turned out okay. What does Makayla think of him?

  2. you look great Naomi! and thanks for the stats! that nurse sounded very grouchy. it helps so much when you have nurturing nurses!
