Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bowling with the Plaksey's

We went down to Vancouver, WA last week and met up with our friends the Plaksey's.
It was a BLAST!
Not only did Illya take some killer pictures of us (which I can't wait to see!) we also went bowling!
Jordan was by far the best bowler among us (other than Makayla!)
This is when he got a turkey.
This is Jordan, Sarah & Makayla discussing technique. Amazingly enough, my little girl HAD technique! Sure she used the bumper lane...
And Sarah was definitely helping her...
BUT she still got quite a few spares! Yeah, I know, I was jealous too!
She also had some quality Illya time too.
Now seriously, is this not TOO cute!
(Ok, I'll admit it, Sarah took this picture. I'm lucky to have friends so good with cameras!)
She also had fun with the air blower thingy (technical term)
And she kept track of the scores for us!
There was also an arcade there, and with the winning tickets Jordan got a warhead for Illya to try. Seeing as he didn't go to middle school (or any school) in the states, we thought it was a shame he missed out on such a right of passage!
Apparently he didn't agree.
I absolutely ADORE the look of pure, happy evil on Sarah's face as her husband goes through this very painful, very sour experience.
It was a FUN day, and very long.
Which was good, because that meant sleeping on the way home!
BOTH of them. (Yes, I know Oscar's not buckled in... he's also not in the car. duh!)
Which always makes for a quieter ride for Mommy and Daddy.

p.s. it always makes you more appreciative of your kids when someone tells you how wonderful they are, and how well behaved. So THANKS Sarah! And thanks for helping me wrangle her around and letting her bowl with you. And thanks Illya, for letting us know how sweet she is.
We forget sometimes


  1. haha, FUN!! It IS so nice to hear how cute/well behaved your kids are. I think as parents we def forget. We will have to go bowling together sometime when you guys are around again. Brody LOVES to bowl, I totally suck, but love it as well, even if it does mean chasing Gav down the lane anytime he escapes, and falling on my butt :) at least it's always good for a laugh :P Love ya glad you had such a fun trip!

  2. thank you for making it sound like the bumpers were up for mak and not me! God bless ya'! we had so much fun with you guys as well. thank you for everything. and, yes, you do have amazing kids. i know ALL kids can be trying at times. but, trust me, yours are some of the easiest going that i know. enjoy them! love you and miss your face!

  3. p.s. i am one of those people that sees someone fall, asks if they're okay, then once i know they're fine, i laugh in their, yeah, watching him eat that sour candy was ha-larious!!
