Sunday, January 24, 2010

TOO Much Love

A lot of parents worry about bringing home the new baby and how their older child/children will react. I was never nervous about Makayla being jealous. Only about how much time I wouldn't be able to spend with her... and I confess a little nervous about her wanting to love him TOO much.
What is that you say?
You CAN'T love too much?
I beg to differ.
Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE that Makayla loves Oscar...
But I confess it can be a little...
Stressful at times.
Oh sure, it's all cute in the pictures. But here's a little inside on what we've been doing... or saying... lately.
"please get off your brother"
"don't poke Oscar's eyes"
"don't feed Oscar"
"soft hugs please"
"don't break off your brothers arms"
"don't dance with Oscar"
"put your brother down NOW!"
The other day Oscar was crying and Makayla ran over to him and said
"Oh baby, no cry! No cry!"
Oddly enough he stopped. So I came over to see why and Makayla looked at me with innocent eyes and said
"Baby hungry"
"Oh?" says I...
Then I had to pull 2 goldfish out of his mouth.

Thanks for trying to feed Oscar, but lets not give him adult food again any time soon please.
It's a good thing Makayla has her own little chair to sit in... because she MUCH prefers Oscar's bouncy chair. We have to constantly remind her...
"get off Oscar's chair, go get Makayla's chair"
Or my favorite recent story...
When she sat on him.
That's right.
He was crying and she couldn't get his pacifier in his mouth, so she straddled him, held down his head and shoved it in.
Needless to say we pulled her off pretty quickly, but not quick enough for him to not have milk gush out of his mouth.

When she wants to give him a kiss and he is being "wiggly" she grabs his face to kiss him.
She loves dressing him up too. This was ALL her, right down to the necklaces!

yes, she loves him & I really am glad. It is much better than her hating him...
But I am a little tired of yelling at Makayla to stop whatever new thing she is doing to him.
I can hardly wait till he is old enough for her NOT to break him!


  1.!! how are you dealing?! the stories are making me laugh and shake my head, but i could only imagine how tired you must be from having to be oscars savior from his loving sister. my prayers are with you and the little ones!

  2. i am right there w/ ya chica! Landon was so good w/ Ky the first 6 months, now all of a sudden he thinks it's okay to wrestle, sit, lay on, etc w/ his baby brother. it can be so nervewracking! hang in there--oscar will be giggling his head off in a few months because big sister is so good to him!

  3. Emma did the same thing! After a month or two the novelty of new baby wore off at our house and she went back to playing independently more than picking on baby... hope it gets better!

  4. ahh, the joys and trials of having 2! Thank god that babies are far more resiliant than we could ever have imagined when there wasn't the older sibling loving them to death! :) It'll get better, hang in ther! And give Makayla lots of hugs and kisses from me!! :)
