Friday, January 8, 2010

Last Hospital Post

So of all the people that visited us in the hospital, and helped us the most (even thought everyone did SO much!) Stacey is the ONLY one I didn't get a picture of! I know, I'm dumb!
She watched Makayla for us from saturday night to tuesday afternoon, and brought her by every day, sometimes TWICE a day for hours! And she wrangled the kids while in the hospital, AND she watched ANOTHER couple's little girl while they were at work. AND she brought the cutest little outfits for Oscar to wear!
So I took a token picture last night of her, not very good, but I had to put SOMETHING up here! We'll get better pictures of her and Oscar later I promise! In the meantime,

The Plaksey's also visited us in the hospital, which was SO nice considering they had to drive an hour and a half to do it! Thanks! They also took some amazing pictures of Oscar and Makayla and I am SUPER excited to have them come up again soon and take more pictures for us! In the meantime you can check out Ilya's photography website HERE
He is seriously AMAZING, but you don't get the Smithsonian Photo of the week TWICE in one summer without being amazing!

And here we are. Our little family. I'm so excited for this new chapter of our lives! And a little apprehensive, and a little exhausted. But that's life right?

For those of you who know Makayla's duck (see side pictures... she's had him since the day she was born!) I'd like to introduce you to, Oscar's Shark! I think he's already loving it :-)

Now, all we have left to do is pack up and go home. Look how TINY he is in the car seat! Crazy!

He's all bundled up.
Here we go, out of the hospital and into life again.

1 comment:

  1. you are too sweet!! of course we would be there for you after little oscar came into the world. and i promise, we will get those pictures we took for you asap!!
