Sunday, February 7, 2010

Babies, babies, babies!

This is what my house has been for the past week.
It makes me SOOOOO happy!
I mean look at these little guys! Doesn't it make you smile too?
My sister came with her two ADORABLE children! And my Mom! And my brother Sam!
It was a GREAT week!
Makayla LOVED hanging out with her Aunt "Kusku" (yeah, I don't know how that translates to "Krystal" either!)
Uncle Sam was a BIG help with the "midget wrangling"
And more especially with keeping Jordan sane with all the noise and clutter!
I had fun cuddling and hanging out. Especially (yes, I love that word right now) since they WANTED to change diapers for me! (I know crazy!) AND do my dishes! AND cook for me!
Do I now have the best family EVER!
I'm pretty sure my mom was in baby heaven too. She had Reuben on one arm and Oscar on the other, pretty much the whole time.
Definitely baby heaven!
There was Makayla (almost 2)
Oscar (1 month)
Evalyn (3)
p.s. I ADORE this picture of her! She LOVES to play outside and run! SO much fun!
And Reuben (3 months)
SERIOUSLY the HAPPIEST baby I have ever met. All I had to do was say his name, and he would grin and grin at me!
I had so much fun! We went to parks, the library, Chuck E Cheese, more parks, lots of Disney cartoons, baby clothes shopping (because the selection in Rexburg is VERY poor... seriously with all those young couples making babies, you'd THINK they would have better maternity and baby selections!)

And we FINALLY got a good picture of Evalyn and Makayla. They are BOTH smiling, they are BOTH looking and the camera and they are BOTH looking SUPER cute!!!!
See... didn't I tell you they were both super cute?


  1. what a cute post- and yes seeing all those babies did make me smile! i'm glad your family was able to visit you--it looks like you had a blast! Say hi to Krystal for me! she's got cute kids!

  2. okay, i love the "big sister" picture. they look so innocent! =) so glad you were able to have your family there. i'm sure you enjoyed every minute of it!

  3. LOVE the pics, Evalyn is getting so big. her and Makayla are SOO ADORALBE! You and Krystal are super lucky, and now you have both kids that'll have a buddy to play with :) Hooray! What could be better! (except maybe living a bit closer) ;)

  4. I wish you (all) weren't so far away right now. As much as being here rocks, it is a little lonely at times...your family looks beautiful and I'm so glad your mom and Krystal and Sam were able to come visit you.
