Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cherry on Top

Makayla has always been really good about saying "please" and "thank you" and being really cute about it too! She says "tank-ee mommy" whenever I give her something.
BUT Jordan decided he could make it even more cute by adding a "pretty pretty please"
She caught on pretty quick that when Daddy said "No" to a "please" he ALWAYS said "Yes" to a "Pretty, pretty please" After a few months of being adorable with that, it started to wear out & soon Daddy could say "no" to her too. So he taught her "Pretty please with a cherry on top"

It works. Super cute. Really.

But sometimes she forgets what she is even asking for.
The other day Makayla crawled up on the bed with me and said... well something, I couldn't really understand her, so I said "What Makayla?"
And she said, "with a cherry on top!"
"Yes, but what do you want Makayla?"
"Cherry on top!"
"Cherry on top! Mama! Cherry on top!!!"

Still not quite sure what she was asking for.


  1. Haha! Too cute. I love that pic of Makayla too.

  2. HAHA! That's so funny! I love those silly little things they say!
    I'd love to make you a keychain. I think you could attach a swivel clip to the hardware so you can hook it on things (great idea!)
