Thursday, March 19, 2009

The "1"

So Makayla turned the big "1" on saturday! It was so much fun! From jungle animal pancakes, playing at Toys R Us, Chuck E Cheese & lastly dinner at Dirty Dave's Gay Nineties, it was an amazing day. And I actually have to say, it is amazing how much older she seems to me now. She is much more proficient at walking and signing and talking. Today she said "hippo" well...technically she said "poe" but she said it while pointing to a hippo, so it counts!
We have been really busy, and are about to be even more busy soon. Jordan and I are moving to Akron, Ohio for the summer. We leave next tuesday/wednesday on our bi-annual drive across the country! We stop in Idaho for a few days, then meet our friends who are moving with us at Mt Rushmore, drive with them to Chicago to eat at some weird place they are all excited about (I can't remember what it's called) then on to Akron! I am so excited and so ready for a change. Here are some pictures of Makayla, I will update everything more once we are settled in Akron! 

1 comment:

  1. she looks adorable!! i can't believe she is already 1. i remember the first time i saw her. she was so tiny and still had that small baby cry. oh, she was so cute, i wanted to shake her retarded!! =)

    oh, and i feel your pain about packing up and moving. at least we have another week or two to get ready. let us know when you get there and that all is well with you guys in akron!

    safe travels!!
