Friday, April 3, 2009

Rocky Mt. Oysters & Lamb Fries!

So here we are in Akron, Ohio! So here we are in Akron, Ohio! Finally, things are starting. It feels like this winter has just been all in anticipation of now, but here we are now! Things are finally starting to come together.

The drive out was very eventful. We went to Idaho to visit my family, while we were there we went to an Old West Shooting range. We didn't shoot, but we had fun looking around and throwing snow balls, and riding the zipline. 

While we were driving out there Jordan saw a cow give birth. He was so bizarre about it, we had to stop on the road and sit and watch for 15 minutes before Jordan realized it was going to take a while. So we left and came back the next day to see "our" new calf! 
Quote of the day from Jordan "There is a cow giving birth on the side of the road, weird things happen in Idaho!" (p.s. it was not by the side of the road, the cow was in a pasture!)

Then we were supposed to meet up with some friends (also coming out for the summer) at Mt Rushmore, but then came the blizzard! We were lucky we were still with my family, because our friends were just north of us and they got stuck....twice! Poor Luke & Amy! So they came down southward and we met up in Idaho Falls, were they have the BEST gaming store ever! A Street games! Very cool! So we bought a new game my brother-in-law introduced us to, "Guillotine" very fun!

Then we started the long drive across 80. We stopped in Rawlings Wyoming for dinner at the "hoot n howl" a neat little restaraunt/hotel. They had rocky mt. oysters on the menu, so OFCOURSE we HAD to try them! Very different from what I expected. I guess I expected a hush puppy looking thing, that was grape-like inside. Instead we got something that looked like giant calamari, and was filleted! Very fleshy, not something I will eat again, but you have to try everything once!


Then we got a hotel that night and woke up ready to go the next morning. For lunch we got to stop in Paxton, Nebraska. Very cool little town, and very Paxton-y. Tiny town with one block of buisnesses, out of the 6-8 buisnesses, 4 were bars. Yes, it is Paxton.
We ate at the Windy Gap Saloon, instead of stall doors, it had curtains! Crazy! And we saw Rocky Mt Oysters on the menu again, so we explained to the waiter about last night and he said we needed to try the Lamb Fries, same concept, just sheep instead of cow! 
So ofcourse we did!
We drive all night the next night and made it to our apartments at about 10 am just in time to unpack, set up the office and be busy ever since! So much fun!
Well the summer's really starting now. Yesterday I was in shorts and flip flops, today it's raining, but still warm. I am so excited for this new journey, so be prepared for updates!

1 comment:

  1. yay! i'm so glad you made it safely. i can't wait for our road trip (i love long car rides).

    PS you are hereby nominated for a "sisterhood award"!

    you can go to
    to see why you're nominated!
