Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Makayla's First Invitation to a Party!

So Makayla was invited to our neighbors birthday party on Saturday. It was such a neat party too! They went all out! Face painting, blow up bouncer, outside games, barbeque, table hockey, picnic blankets set up, water balloons, the works! The party started right before Makayla's nap, so needless to say she was really excited and because she kept hearing all the kids outside, she didn't want to sleep at all! Normally she sleeps through noise just fine, but kids laughing is another thing. She kept knocking on the door and saying "Mama, baby! Mama, baby!" So finally I went up and got her. I got her ready in her new party dress, then I had to get ready and finish some work. So this is Makayla, waiting patiently on the couch. It was so cute, I had to take a picture!

All of the kids at the party were over the age of 8, but since it was for a little girl, they all loved Makayla of course! I love how little girls seem to flock to babies! We played horse shoes a little to practice for the big Paxton tournament on the 4th. It's a good thing these were only plastic though, Makayla does not have very good aim!
Then Makayla discovered the bouncer. She was in heaven for the rest of the day! That was all she wanted to do! I had to send kids in there to get her out so others could have a turn to. And she would walk around the bouncer trying to find the way back in again.
I love this dress. I need to get a better picture of it. It is seriously my favorite dress Makayla has ever worn! And that is saying something, she has a lot of cute dresses! But this one is so cute. I think She'll wear it on the 4th too :-)
All in all, it was a very fun day. Plus so much time in the sun and running around playing tired Makayla out so much that she actually slept through the night without waking up once! HEAVEN!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 30, 2009

    So glad you got take Makayla & enjoy the birthday party. I'm seriously still bumming that I wasn't able to make it. That bouncer is just the right size for Makayla. You need to get one & put it in your living room. Just think of all the bouncing she would do & all the crafts you could get done while she was keeping herself entertained!! I think it's a perfect plan! :)
