Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Crafts!

When Makayla was born, we didn't know if she would be a boy or a girl. We waited until the delivery to find out. Randomly we did have quite a few boy things, like blankets, onesies and things like that. But no girl things. (Which was ok, cuz she came kind of early anyway, and we didn't have much at all! So we had to stop by Target on our way home from the hospital !)
So Makayla's first "pink" thing was a little beanie that the nurses put on her head before bringing her into my recovery room. It made my heart melt to see her in that cute little pink hat! It was heart breaking when she finally grew out of it :-(

It is still one of my favorite things from Makayla's birth. So I am making more for others. They are very fun and easy to make. It doesn't take up too much time and they turn out SO cute! I'm hoping, after I give some to all the many babies I know that are coming this winter, that I will be able to make/collect enough to donate also. My mom is helping me make some and if you know how to crochet or sew newborn hats you can help too! I haven't quite figured out the logistics of it, but when I do, I'll let you know where they are going.
In the meantime, here are some of my new hats that I have made! Since I don't have a newborn handy, I had to put it on a doll. Because they look much cuter on, than just sitting there.

Here is a new pattern I bought. When I saw it, I knew I just had to have it! I had hoped to make it for Makayla for the 4th, but lets face it, hand sewing is not as neat as with a machine, so it will probably be a very cute Thanksgiving dress! I even found the perfect ribbon to go with it! I am so excited to get started on it! The fabric is really soft and flowey too so it won't be stiff!
Here's more fabric that I fell in love with. I don't know what to do with it, but at $1.25 a yard, HOW can you pass that up? Seriously! So I have 3 yards and I'm waiting for inspiration to strike!
And last, but certainly not least, one of my favorites! This was $2.00 a yard. I LOVE fabric sales! Not sure what I'm going to do, I keep getting ideas, then rejecting them. It's too cute I don't want to cut into it unless it's perfect!
So those are just some of the things on my to-do list. I am loving looking at all the creative blogs out there. It is making me turn back to my crafting/mormon roots and make so many fun things that Jordan deems unnecessary! Lucky for me though he still pretends to care. When I bring home something new he says "Oh that's nice honey" and I smile to myself, because he didn't even look. But I love him anyway, cuz I do the same thing when he brings home a new video game and wants me to watch him play. Boys are silly :-)

1 comment:

  1. My hubby thinks crafting is unnecessary as well, but honestly, WHO CARES? It makes me happy! I have even taken my sewing machine on vacation with us... Nick LOVED that!
