Thursday, July 2, 2009


Fine, alright. I'll admit. I am horrible at keeping secrets anyway. Not that it WAS much of a secret, like I said I'm horrible at keeping them anyway!

Jordan made me sangria. I love sangria. I've also never had sangria (the real homemade stuff that sits for a week). But it is a Paxton treasure. For those of you who don't know, it's basically alcohol (nice alcohol though, wine and such) with fruit in it. It sits for a few days, preferably a week, until you drink it, and eat the fruit. Every-time sangria is made, for some unforeseen reason, I can't have any. :-( I'm either not there (4th of July celebration), we forget to make it (my wedding), I'm pregnant (Makayla) etc, etc...
This time, I was very excited though. I helped cut the fruit and buy a pretty pitcher for it. I watched it everyday in anticipation. Then.....
Well then I started to feel sick. It's nothing. This is dumb just a flu. Finally it was the morning of the night that we were going to have our party and drink the sangria. Hooray!
But I couldn't in good conscience drink if I thought I was pregnant. Yes, I know, the thought wouldn't leave once it started. So I took a test that morning so I wouldn't worry about that night. Besides, I wasn't even late...really.

Drat. Drat. Drat. Two dumb pink lines! What is the world coming to! I sat all day and tried to figure out if it was really right. Cheap test, not late, faded second line anyway.... Drat.
So I thought of a million clever ways to tell Jordan. (I accidentally left the stick on the bathroom sink last time and I never got a chance to be cute about, he saw it before I could talk to him:-( not this time!)
We had to run to the store before people came over so as we were walking through the aisles, I realized nothing really sounded good. Blah, is more like it. But we walked by the pickles and I said "We need some of these" Thinking of lunches for him.
"Ha" he says "We only need that if you're pregnant" (seriously where did THAT come from?)
I might have dropped the jar (luckily it didn't break)
Yeah, that's not subtle. He figured it out. Then said "I can't believe you told me in Giant Eagle!"
Well, technically "I" never said anything! I had taught Makayla that day to pat my belly when I asked her where the baby was. Very cute!

So that's how he found out. A few weeks, and a lot of phone calls later I had a doctors appointment. Than an ultrasound. Now here we are, blessed week 14. Start of the second trimester. I should be feeling better any day now. I'm counting the days. So far I'm still hugging the porcelain throne! But Makayla couldn't be sweeter. When I am in there heaving my guts out, she comes in and pats me on the back. Sometimes she even coughs into the toilet "just like mommy" She makes me excited to have another baby. She is so excited herself. She talks about babies all day long. When ever she sees a child under the age of 8 its "baby, baby, baby!" She hugs kids all the time and loves to look at babies. When we were in Detroit she walked up to a stroller (no kid inside) and kept pointing to it and saying "baby" even though the Dad of the stroller said that the baby was gone for now.
During the ultrasound before we even knew the tech had found the baby Makayla pointed up to the screen and said "Baby!" She was right, there was our little jelly bean! Kicking it's little legs! So cute!
It was amazing the difference right from the start. Makayla had zoomed all over my belly making the sonotech hunt for her and Makayla never stopped moving. When she was small it felt like a whirlpool in my stomach constantly. Like she was just swimming laps. This baby just sat there, jumped once, than contentedly kicked it's little legs for us.
I am really excited, and though I tell Jordan I don't care, I kind of really REALLY want a little girl. I want Makayla to share a room with her little sister, have a bunk bed, yell at her for stealing her clothes, be each others maids of honor and share shoes someday.
I'll have a boy later.
Then I'm done.
No more.
But this time, I really hope I have a girl.
You will all just have to wait 6 months like the rest of us to find out what it ends up being though! Because we are NOT finding out the sex again. And you can get mad all you want, but that's the way it is.
Here's me and my little belly. I'm already getting fat again. Mostly good though. I've actually only gained 3 lbs. I was up 6, then this past month, too much not eating because nothing sounded good and what I did eat.... didn't stick. So I lost 3. I'd like to say it's all baby, but those who have had a baby know, it's really just your intestines moving out of the way of your baby still tucked way down safe :-) But my body really knows what to do this time and it is making way for baby already! My tummy is in a permanent pouch position and I am glad I am going to Washington so I can pick up some maternity clothes!
They say the second one shows faster than the first, well at 16 weeks I looked like 26, so we'll see how this one grows!

Sorry if I've lied to you when you say "what's new" and I say "not much". We have been waiting to tell everyone after the 4th, when we are telling Jordan's parents. But I'm typing this on the 2nd. I can't wait anymore. I will type it today and post it tomorrow after we're in Washington.


  1. yay!! no more secrets! congrats! and, yes, i am one of those people who think you're crazy for not finding out what you're having...crazy, crazy, crazy!!

  2. Woo hoo! Now I can say things on here without monitoring what I say! Congratulations!

  3. Yay! congrats! sorry about the no sangria (i love saying that word in my finest spanish accent). I hear ya about wanting another girl, i was the same way when i found out Ky was a boy. i like how makayla is in your tummy shots. how far apart will that be? btw, you look great! i love your hair!

  4. Aww, Makayla is going to be such a good big sister :) I'm so happy for you guys! I'll keep my finger's crossed that this one will be a girl too :) I think you look pregtastic :) Hooray for being done w/keeping that secret. Luv ya, hope you start feeling better soon! :D

  5. Congratulations! I LOVE having two girls... good luck!
