Friday, June 19, 2009

Yoga Baby

I've been doing Yoga a few times a week now. I took classes in college, and I also have a few dvd's of Yoga and Pilates (I LOVE pilates!) Normally Makayla just cries while I do the video because I'm not paying attention to her, but today I actually got her to do some poses with me :-) She's such a talented little Yoga Baby!

Here she is in the warm up phase. You'd think she would have child's pose down, I mean she does sleep that way half the time! But I couldn't get her on her knees :-)

Mountain Pose with a little twist.
Sorry the pictures were taken with my camera, so they aren't the best! But still pretty adorable!


  1. Oh, she's so cute (I know I always say that, but, she IS just so freaking cute) :) Ahh, I LOVE yoga, it's made such a big difference since I started doing it every day. Hopefully Makayla will continue to love it, and do it w/you :D

  2. when i was nannying, i use to do taebo tapes w/ the 3 and 4 year old. they LOVED it! plus, they got really tired from the fast movements. loved that part too!
