Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Belated Father's Day Pictures

So here are the very delayed but greatly appreciated pictures from our Father's Day adventure at Commerica Park in Detroit when my sister came to visit. Of course we are really silly and forgot to take any pictures of Krystal and I together. But we will have to do that later. I am hoping we make it home before Heather or Krystal have their babies and we can take an "everyone is pregnant" picture. But I seriously doubt that. We will have to settle for all the babies in the spring I think.
Meanwhile. This is us at Commerica watching the Tigers play :-)
Makayla and Evalyn. They paid a lot of attention to the actual game as you can tell.
My adorable curly haired niece Evalyn Faye!
We told them they had to hold hands when crossing the street. We meant with an adult, but this was much cuter I think :-)
I have no idea where Makayla picked up the "arm around the shoulders" thing, but she does it all the time to people she likes. SOOOOO cute. I know I say that all the time. But really, doesn't it make you say "awww" at least a little?
And this is the fabulous curly-haired duo. I love my little neice and I love that she loves me too. She calls me Aunt Naomi-omi. And I call her my little Evalyn-evalyn-evalyn.
Those are the pictures.
I am still waiting on the pictures from Cedar Point, but now that I have my OWN shiny new camera, I won't have to ever wait again! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. okay, the one of you and evalyn is so precious! and, like i said of FB, the shot of the girls walking, holding hands is too cute...i wanna' shake'em retarded (that still has to be my favorite naomi line of all time!)!
