Thursday, July 23, 2009

Puddle Hopping and New Crafts

I love the rain. I love the smell of rain the feel of warm rain and most of all I love the puddles after the rain.
So does Makayla
We get to run around and find all the puddles we want to jump in, and go for it! She is so cute! She'll run up to the edge, bend down and test the depth with her hands, then jump into it!
It has been raining aLOT this week. So we have a lot of puddles to jump in. :-)
Here is one of the storms we had. It's hailing a little, but you can't really tell. :-( But it really DID hail! Tiny little balls of ice! So cute!
This is my kickin new necklace with a gorgeous model showing it off :-)
I'm pretty proud of this. I saw it on Little Birdie Secrets about a week ago and have been dying to make one ever since. It's basically just wooden beads tied into ribbon. SO COOL!
It really took me forever to tie that bow in the back. I'd better start practicing my bow skills now that I have a little girl. So far I've been lucky because Jordan is actually really good at making pretty bows :-) He ties mine for me all the time! What a great guy that man of mine!
This is my pride and joy right now. And has been taking up ALL my time. I'm so addicted. I'm glad it's been raining because I haven't had the urge to do anything except work on this. I found the pattern for this at Moda Bake Shop (MY FAVORITE BLOG EVER!!!!!!)
It's a Princess and the Pea blanket. All I have done so far are the mattresses. But today I am attaching it to the background and by tomorrow I'm hoping to applique the Princess and her pillow onto it. So look for finished product pictures this weekend!!!! :-)


  1. Damn woman you are so freaking crafty, I'd say it's a good thing you have a little girl to get into it w/you. :)

  2. you little holly homemaker!! btw just found your crafting blog! love it!! hope you don't mind, but i'm putting it on my "favorites" link on my blog so others can see it as well.
