Monday, July 20, 2009

My Wonderful Weekend!

I had the best day yesterday. It started with me thinking it would be a lazy day and I would finally go get my hair cut.
Then Jordan surprised me and we went to the Cleveland Indians game where the SEATTLE MARINERS were playing them!!! HOORAY!
Now, for a little background for those of you who don't know Mariners are our 2nd favorite team (The Tampa Bay Rays are close to our hearts in first!) Seeing as Jordan is from Washington and I am a recent almost resident of there also. Besides my favorite player to say his name is a Mariner. Ichiro Suzuki! He is the only baseball player that has his first name (instead of his last) on his jersey. Every baseball game we go to I cheer for Ichiro. Sadly, he has never been present for this. But sunday HE WAS! And we sat right next to the foul pole on the first base side, RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE HE PLAYS! I was SOOOOO excited! I yelled ICHIRO the whole game! :-)
I also got a really cool picture of the catcher as he was warming up with the pitcher before the game :-)
The relief pitchers and random coaches came to sit in the bull pen that was right next to us. And they looked very "Armageddon" walking toward us like that. And then....
I realized 2 of the players were wearing PINK back packs. It made me smile.
Every Sunday at Progressive field is family fun day. So they have all sorts of fun things outside the stadium to do while you wait to go in. One of those is Jungle Terry. He has a banana boa and a jungle boa just slithering around on the sidewalk. YUCK! Jordan was kneeling with Makayla to pet it, when it came up his leg and licked Makayla's shoulder!
Not going to lie, I freaked and grabbed her. I didn't want the snake to like what he tasted. :-(
But he also had a baby skunk (couldn't get a decent picture) and this very creepy albino skunk.
Worse than all of that though. Mr Jungle Terry gave Jordan the name of the women he gets HIS baby skunks from so Jordan could get one too. :-P Not happy with Jungle Terry!
Slider, the Indians mascot (not sure why) Was dressed in beach attire, and they had a crap ton of sand put down to play in because it was "Beach Weekend" Kind of neat. And even though I love this picture because we don't get too many as a family, I realized I am looking like I have my post-baby belly back UGH! Disregard the chub in the middle!
After the game we headed home to go to Red Lobster as an office. YUMMY! I lvoe Red Lobster and their wonderful biscuits! I think I am most in love with their stuffed Mushroom appetizer. LOVE IT!
Then we went and saw "Public Enemy" Not a big fan. It reminded me a lot of "Blow" both had Johnny Depp, were about a felon, and really had no plot. This is why Hollywood normally adds some flavor to real stories so they aren't normal life boring!
Johnny Depp is not cute enough for me to want to ever see this movie again.

I would have to say that the best part of the weekend was after the game when Jordan and I bought a new camera :-) It's beautiful! And it plugs into the wall to charge :-) AND it goes UNDERWATER!!!!!!
Yeah, not kidding. It doesn't need an ugly plastic shell or anything, it is a beautiful, small, sleek, digital camera that goes up to 30 feet underwater, Can be frozen, Burned, dropped from 7 feet and sat on by a 220 lb man and not be ruined! It is one of the most indestructible cameras on the market! And it's so pretty! :-)
Needless to say I am pretty excited! I am so excited to have a camera again :-) And one that's underwater and so indestructible! YEAH!


  1. that is great that both of you love baseball...illya and i both HATE it!! we think it's the most boring sport out there!! the best part about going to a game is the hot dogs and peanuts. but, we are soccer fans and we are SOOO missing our portland timbers play this summer! =( oh, and the skunk? NASTY!! i thought it was a hairy rat. do not let jordan get one!!!!! i'm so glad you guys are like us and take advantage of every minute you have together on sundays. i hate when the day ends =(

  2. AnonymousJuly 22, 2009

    Looks like you guys had a blast! Yay, for a new camera. I couldn't live without mine!
