Monday, July 13, 2009

Cedar Point Part 1

We had the lucky fortune to be able to go to Cedar Point this sunday with our good friends Lindsey & Reid. As well as some coworkers, Amy, Luke, Derek & Tim. It was such a blast!
We left saturday night to meet up with Lindsey and Reid at a cabin they rented about 10 minutes from Cedar Point. I haven't been camping in SO long! I missed it! It was a tiny cabin that only had room for one queen bed and a bunk bed. So after roasting some marshmallows and catching up, Makayla and I slept on the bottom bunk while Jordan braved the top. (It was so tall!) We got up early the next morning and headed into the park. Cedar point was actually much bigger, and way cooler than I expected. There were SOOOO many rides! And a lot that Makayla and I could do also! They had 4 kiddie areas that had quite a few rides. Plus all the big roller coasters, 2 water rides, bumper cars, carnival games, food places, and other thrill and not so thrill rides. It was so much fun!
This is Jordan and Makayla at Camp Snoopy (we never saw any characters out. Very sad) This ride was actually a lot of fun. It went slow in the straight, then WHIPPED you around the corner. We though Makayla didn't like it at first, but then she didn't want to get off! So we rode it again. Thank goodness for short lines!
This is Makayla and I waiting to start another car ride while everyone else rode a roller coaster. We were lucky enough to have slower rides next to the bigger ones, so we didn't to a lot of waiting in the sun while everyone else had fun, we got to go on rides while they were too! It was great!
Here is Makayla riding in the Red Baron all by herself. She would look so serious during the rides, but afterwards wouldn't want to leave them! You had to promise her another ride to get her out of one :-) She's such a little dare devil! I was the nervous mother though, letting her ride the kid rides all by herself was SO scary to me! But they wouldn't let me on :-)
There was a petting zoo also. So when everyone was getting soaked on the water rides, we hung out with sheep, goats, chickens, cows and 2 very scary pigs. At first Makayla wouldn't touch anything. Then suddenly it was like a light switched on and she wasn't afraid anymore. She would run from animal to animal pointing, laughing and petting. It was adorable! She would laugh hysterically as she pointed to each goat or sheep, then bend down and whisper to them and pet them.
This is her talking to the sheep. Not sure what she said, but when this sheep got up later, it was Makayla's biggest fan and followed her everywhere she went in the pen after that.

Unfortunately we haven't gotten an new camera yet, so these are all from my phone. Luckily Lindsey had hers and we have quite a few on that. So when she sends me those I will post more.
All in all it was a great weekend. Very tiring, but great. We headed back to the cabin after the park closed and roasted hot dogs (the best way to eat them!) then headed home and crashed! We are already planning another trip there this summer, maybe with the whole office this time :-) Until then, I am definitely ready for a nap!


  1. AnonymousJuly 13, 2009

    Ceder Point=Fun times! I haven't been there since I was in school though. We want to try to take Shawn this summer. Although, I don't know if I'm brave enough to ride the coasters anymore. LOL! Glad you were able to go & have a fun time!

  2. I wish we could have come! That looks so fun!

  3. okay, the pictures of her w/ the animals are so adorable! she is too stankin' cute!
