Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Things Makayla Has Learned. ....That We Want Her To Unlearn.

1:) Use our camera.
Yes, I know it's cute, and she actually has taken some really good pictures with it, problem is this; Sticky fingers meets expensive electronics = no good.
2:) Use Mommy's hair straightener.
Luckily it was off at the time and already cooled down, but serious YIKES for me! At least she knows how to use it :-)
3:) How to climb in the tub and turn on the water.
Here's a peak into our night time routine.
Me- Ok Makayla its time to go take a bath!
Makayla climbs the stairs and waits eagerly by the tub yelling "bath! bath!" while I clean up her dinner and drag myself up the stairs to start the water.
Last night I tell her it's time for her bath and suddenly I hear a thud. I go running up the stairs to find Makayla in the tub, clothes, duck and everything starting the water!
I of course had to run a get a camera before I took her out.

That's our smart little baby! A little TOO smart if you ask me! But still, seriously cute!


  1. Oh man! In the tub with all her clothes on! That cracks me up!

  2. Oh my gosh- that's a little scary. This is when you have to watch her like a hawk!! good luck! :)

  3. man, she's just too freaking smart! how adorable, I love the bathtub pics, such a keeper :)
