Friday, July 10, 2009

Missing Pictures

Our Independence Day weekend was a blast! And very busy. So busy in fact, that well....I didn't take many pictures. I did with My Mother-in-law's camera... but not mine. Silly. I know.
So I am waiting for them to send me some to add to my meager collection.
So here was our weekend.

We got up extra early to get on our 9am flight out of Cleveland. Extra early for us because normally it's rare we are even up before 9am, but to get up 3 hours before 9! Yikes! Here is Makayla waiting on line for her first airport ride. She did SO well! It was a nonstop to Seattle and the flight lasted about 5 hours and 45 minutes. For the last 2 hours we thought she would go crazy, but we were lucky enough to be near the front and have a little 2 year old girl right in front of us. So she and Makayla played in the aisle and kept each other happy. :-) Lucky parents!
When we got to Jordan's parents house Makayla's cousin Andrew was playing in the back yard. Since Makayla never passes up the chance to play in water, she jumped right in! So we took her out and changed her into her swimming suit. (I was told I had no pictures of Andrew on here, so here is one just for you Nicole!)
Makayla was a big fan of the sprinkler too!
We (well, they!) did such a good job of getting ready on the 3rd, that we really didn't have much to do the morning of the 4th before people got there.
Every year on the 4th the Paxton's host a big horse shoe tournament. It's a pretty big deal. The first year I went I won and had my name (and my partners name) added to the trophy.
The next time we went I made it to the semi finals before getting knocked out (double elimination)
This time though.....2 and out!
I think I lost my beginners luck! :-(
Like I said, I was dumb and didn't take any pictures with my camera. But there are a lot on Jordan's mom's camera, so I have to wait to get them from her. In the meantime Makayla got a new dress that she wore for the 4th. And we all wore the "Paxton Open" shirts Jordan's Mom made. It was the 20th anniversary of the "Paxton Open" so it was really a big year for them.

Here's a picture of her new watermelon dress. She also got two new barrettes that match. And her little watermelon sandals. (yes i love watermelons)

This is Makayla on our way to the airport. She has a new habit of wrapping her dolls and duck in blankets. I don't know where she picked it up. It's been so long since we've swaddled her, and she hasn't been around any babies either. It's very cute though. She's going to be a great big sister!

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