Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Baby Gadget!

Ok, well it's not really "new" but it is a new thing for me, so I think that counts. I've seen these before, and I thought, they don't look too hard.It's a diaper clutch/changing pad. I LOVE dual purpose!
Not to mentions I LOVE the fabric. I've become a big fan of Walmarts fabric. You can find some amazing hidden jems for a quarter of the price at big fabric stores! This gorgeous green paisley was only $3.00 per yard! WHAT?!?
For the inside I used a nice white quilted fabric. This makes the whole thing washable, and comfortable for the baby :-)
I also added a second pocket for diaper ointment, (in the picture it's a cell phone, coin purse)
I really like it because it works really well in my diaper bag, or just under your seat in the car for emergency purposes.
And it's big enough for Makayla too! I'm going to make a thinner version also I think. It would make it a little easier to put in all diaper bags.
My model wasn't too into laying there for a picture and after numerous tries, this is the best I got. But I wanted to show what size it is :-)
Best part is, It only used aboiut 1/4 of a yard so I have plenty more to make something that matches, or just more diaper clutch/changing pads :-)
Now for funny picture time.
Makayla is mad at me today because I won't take her to the pool. This is her pouting. So cute!
She is starting to rule the house already! Is this the start of terrible two's? She's not even a year and a half yet! But yesterday she wouldn't put on anything but her swim suit. She would just kick and scream "Suit! suit! pool! suit!"
So I caved. We went before her nap instead of after, which worked for me because then she took an extra long nap that helped me start and finish my clutch yesterday! (would have been so much faster with a sewing machine :-( I'm sure, but it wasn't too bad by hand either.)
That's all. I have to do a post soon about all the new words Makayla can say. She is starting to talk SO much (and talk back too, her favorite thing to say to me is "don't touch mama" oh well, better than no!)


  1. AnonymousJuly 16, 2009

    Poor Makayla deprived of going to the pool! What is the world coming too? LOL!

    Great job on the daiper clutch/changing pad! You should make more & sell them for extra $$.

  2. you sewed that by hand?! awesome job--it's so cute!!!

    i wish landon liked pools, he hates swimming. :-(

    Makayla is such a cutie!

  3. never deprive my baby of her swimming time!! and, oh my word! you did that clutch by hand?! that is amazing! IF i ever get pregnant, i will be expecting a package full of all your handmade goodies (hand delivered, of course)!

  4. hahaha! man she's growing up so fast. Unfortunately I'd have to say that she IS going into the two year old stage, but don't fret my dear, the twos are nothing compaired to the three's.... ;)
