Saturday, July 25, 2009


Ok, so I know I don't know whether or not this baby is male or female yet, but today I got to thinking about sisters and how lucky I am with my sisters.

I seriously must have the coolest older sister ever. No really. When we were little and I forced my siblings to put on plays, she would always be the guy so I could be the princess.
When we got in arguments and I made her upset, she would tickle me until she didn't feel like hitting me any more. (believe me, I LOVED to push people's buttons!)
She helped me with all of my theatre endeavors. Helping me make costumes out of paper bags and hats out of paper and glitter. She has always been my number 1 fan (her and my mom are tied I think) and supported me, and loved me no matter what difficult period I was going through, or putting her through.
I love my sister.
When we get together now, with our husbands and daughters and pregnant bellies we ALWAYS end up laughing until we cry. No one makes me laugh harder, or longer. No one is smarter than her when it comes to childbirth and raising babies (she even teaches a "raising the happiest toddler" class and after this birth will teach a bradley method course on child birth!) No one is more understanding and forgiving. And if I could be half the women, mother and wife she is, I will be lucky indeed.
My little sister has always been very different from me. She is a great artist, great author, loves books and never wears makeup. She is about 5 years younger than me so I never got to go to school with her, and never really played games with her. But now that we are older we talk on facebook and email each other. It's like getting to know a whole new Emily. I can't believe how much she has grown! I still remember her as the little baby Krystal and I dressed up. But she is a women, dating and going to college and having a job. Strange.
But I am grateful that I am able to get to know her more as we get older. She is so strong and smart and beautiful. She is never embarrassed by who she is like I was, she is proud of who she is and if you don't like it, that's too bad for you. I wish I could be more like her.
My mother also has an older sister. They haven't lived near each other since before my mom's mission, but somehow they remain as close as ever. Her sister is even taking her on a cruise with her next week! My Aunt Karenlee's children are the cousins that I am closes too and know the best. You can always tell when my mom has been on the phone with her sister because she is always smiling afterward.
I know Makayla is going to be a great big sister, whether she gets a brother or a sister.
We were playing with a little 6 month old at the pool the other day and she was so sweet to the baby. She was so careful and gentle. She even gave her a kiss. She didn't want to leave the baby.
I bought a bottle for her dolls and at first she would try to drink it and scowl at me because nothing was coming out, but after I showed her it was for her dolls, she loves feeding them.
Let's just hope she doesn't lay on her sibling while feeding them a bottle :-)

I love this picture because she is holding the doll up by her dress and feeding her.
It always makes me smile.
Whatever happens I know Makayla will be a great big sister. And I am so excited to giver her the opportunity to be close to a sibling like I had. It might be harder at first to have 2 so young, but in the end I think it will be worth it. They will be close enough in age to be able to share experiences and grow up knowing each other.

Oh and this is a cute picture of Makayla showing me how she hurt her knees. She is constantly skinning her knees now that she has learned how to run (kind of)
Poor little bug.


  1. how cute! I love my sisters too! When are you due? When do you find out gender? Can't wait!!

  2. Aww, you make me cry! I have to agree w/you sisters are THE BEST thing in the world! I know Mak is going to be such a wonderful big sister, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that she gets a little sister too :)

  3. what a great post!! so touching! but, i must correct you...MY sister is the best older sister a girl could have. but, i think we all are blessed to have the sisters we have. now brothers...that's another story =)
